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Airbox For Webers

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I´m considering building an airbox for my weber carburettors this vinter.


Does anyone have any drawings with measurements so I do not have to spend hours mesuring the location of the holes on the backplate.



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Mad Scientist

Why do you want to build an airbox? It won't do anything to improve airflow/performance.


If you really must.....................


To cut the holes in the backplate for my 'bodies, I measured from the edge of each body to the same edge on the next. This gives you the equivalent of measuring centre to centre and makes marking out easier. Sorry if that's obvious!



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The short answer is - don't bother.


I spent a lot of time last year trying to design an airbox using CFD and came to the conclusion that there just isn't enough space to make one that works properly, and anything you could fit in would have problems with uneven flow to some cylinders as well as having a very awkward inlet route.


Your best bet (and what I will now do) is to use a Pipercross "sausage" filter and make sure the area in front of it is nice and clear. You can also make a heat sheild behind it so that it only draws air from the grille.

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I've got a drawing which you're welcome to. PM your email address. As said, it was a difficult task but not impossible. Major issue was getting the bonnet to shut and air filter. A local air filter manufacturer helped me with the design. I made it from 0.5mm stainless sheet, which is great at insulating heat (for a metal). If you made it carbon fibre it would be superb.

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Thanks Peter..e mail adress is in your inbox.


I know I will not find 10 extra horses inside the airbox...but I´ll have a go anyway B)

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Mad Scientist

It will keep you busy, but you won't see any extra horses whatsoever. They experimented with airboxes in BTCC. The speed required for the ram air effect to have any benefit was over 100mph IIRC, and even then it was minimal. That was with modern throttle body setups too...........and silly money.

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