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Went for my first drive in my 6engined 205 this morning

Went very well andwas over the moon, till I got home and it spat its coolant out :)

Its using BBM hoses that have the T piece in, my last one didn't have this, it had what was a pretty standard hose setup.

I bled the system as per Haynes manual as well as possible with this hose setup

My last one I had a 6 header tank cap on but I have the standard 1.6 on this

Could this be the problem?

Anybody else running standard header tank caps?

What other caps are the same as the 6 ones?


The engine is a good one and I know the HG isn't on its way!

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Garry's topics below might help find a fix;






It might simply be worth refilling it & running the engine up to temp with the cap off though to see if its storing air pockets anywhere.



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with the cooling systems most 405's 406's and 306's run at 1.4 bar, standard 205 runs at 1 bar IIRC,.

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de Noir

Pete, my Mi kept spitting coolant out because I've lost the 'slow' fan speed... When 'fast' kicked in it was too late!


Chec your switch or fan module if you're running 306 fan electrics.

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Should be fine with the std 205 cap, To be honest I've had more problems with the late caps due to not fitting well.


A 205 I have had in for wiring ran sweat as but the header tank was like a fountain when I added the water, the water came out that quick due to a massive blow between 2 & 3 to the water jacket.

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It was fine in marksorrento205s car last week, I've probably just not bled it properly.

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Just been out and bled it again

Took the top heater hose off and it had an air block in the matrix B)

Anyway been for another spin and the heaters get nice and warm, but there is still a little trickle coming from the cap :lol: I'm hoping its just that its a bit over full

So when the wife gets home I will borrow the one off the 306 and are what happens

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