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Grp Moulding Experience

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I want to make my own mould for a competition dashboard panel; I've done this before in a kit car but it was a long time ago (~90/91) and I honestly can't remember much about the materials I used. I also wonder whether things have moved on a little, or people with experience can offer some advice in good products to use.


Basically I will be making a wooden former with some moulding clay in places, possibly MDF if it can be sealed reliably for the larger flat panels.


I recall I need to coat the porous materials first to seal them (possible use of special tape in places, if needed), then apply a release agent/wax of some description, then on goes the outer gelcoat, then lay up on top of that once it's gone sticky. Wait to set and crack the mould off.


Then for the final product, a release wax and then repeat the process.


Anything I should look for when purchasing the resin, the gelcoat, the GRP matt, the various release agents and coatings and so forth? I've got all the paddle wheels buried away somewhere in the garage so tools-wise I'm not too bad off, just need to get some mixing buckets, brushes and so forth. But the plethora of potential resins, dye pastes, cleaners, coating waxes/release agent type things.


Any good online places price-wise or should I search for a local GRP suppliers in the midlands?




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Polyfibre in Aston will most probably have all the stuff you need and they are very helpful.

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Excellent, thanks Daz. I think I might just pop along and sort it all out in person with them.

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Henry Yorke

Have you a good link on how to make moulds and what you need in order to do it? I want to replicate a couple of small Gutmann panels as I cannot find the originals and I know someone with two brand new ones who will not sell them but might let me borrow them

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Have you a good link on how to make moulds and what you need in order to do it? I want to replicate a couple of small Gutmann panels as I cannot find the originals and I know someone with two brand new ones who will not sell them but might let me borrow them


I found this in searching last night, although it's related to PCs the fundamentals are there.


It's pretty straightforward; we had good results making the last dashboard, it just takes time making the former (plug/buck/male) mould...

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I've actually got a Guttmann grille mould Henry. You can have it for the price of postage if you want, it needs some little repairs but it's otherwise ok.

I got it thrown in with some Rallye arch moulds a few years ago and never used it.

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Have you a good link on how to make moulds and what you need in order to do it?

Try fiberglassforums.com Henry.


Everything you need to know will be on there somewhere, as well as advice from some of the industries leading fabricators. As with anywhere on the internet there's plenty of chaff amongst the wheat, but it's definitely worth a look around.


I've done a fair bit of fiberglass stuff myself if I can be of any help, but I haven't done any real mould work as yet.


Also try Youtube for GasserGlass. He's done a few good how-to video's

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Polyfibre in Aston will most probably have all the stuff you need and they are very helpful.


Thanks for the tip; popped in today. Very helpful, lots of advice, even have a printed-out guidance sheet for customers. Good price too - the whole caboodle at around £90 and that's including brushes, pots, syringes, 5kg of resin, catalyst, pigment, material, acetone, release wax and PVA. Cheaper than most online places I found.

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I made a plug then a mould for a 1m class model racing yacht a couple of months back which was good fun.


I used an original hull and wanted to modify the shape slightly to give better sailing characteristics, so with lots of filler and sanding came up with the shape, then coated it with some Epoxy primer, then 6 coats of epoxy paint followed by three days of sanding and then, finally some polishing and LOTS of waxing.


The moulds I made came out really nice and have produced about 10 boats so far all of which have been excellent.


The best advice I can give it make sure that your plug is as perfect as possible and waxed up to hell so that the mould you make will pop straight off. Also pop the mould off the plug whilst it's still "green", that way the gelcoat and laminate hasn't set 100% and is a little bit more flexible and reduces cracking. then leave the mould on the plug for a week if you can so all the chemicals, mainly styrene, are gone.


Good luck

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Cool, thanks. Yep, bloke at Polyfibre said pretty much the same thing :blink:


I've done a dashboard before, about 15 years ago, for a GTM Rossa kit car I once had - but I'll be honest, I'd forgotten most of what we did back then! It's all coming back now though - got the bits, just need to find a time to make the buck up in the shell, but it's due to get sprayed soon so I need to move sharpish on making the buck, at least. Probably do a project thread when it's all go :(

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Henry Yorke
GTM Rossa

I loved those, but was too tall for one :'(


I assume you wantot replicate a RHD version of a T16 dash Dan. I think it would sell quite well to the road rally boys etc

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