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Fuel Sender Unit Help Please

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Yes they're the same ;)

And this one @ the ebay link is the correct type for your car (being Ph1 .. needs Ph1 sender ..) ... as the senders are different Ph1 vs Ph2 , and so are the fuel tanks .. still , Ph2 sender fits inside Ph1 tank (or vice versa) but the reading on the fuel gauge will be incorrect ..


Damir :)

Edited by DamirGTI

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Any idea which sender would be needed for a 1988 Ph1.5?



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Thanks for the help Damir :)


Yes they're the same ;)

And this one @ the ebay link is the correct type for your car (being Ph1 .. needs Ph1 sender ..) ... as the senders are different Ph1 vs Ph2 , and so are the fuel tanks .. still , Ph2 sender fits inside Ph1 tank (or vice versa) but the reading on the fuel gauge will be incorrect ..


Damir :lol:

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Any idea which sender would be needed for a 1988 Ph1.5?




The later one , so Ph2 type ... can spot the difference in between the two by colour and shape (Ph1 has silver body , sharp edge end with black plastic ring on the bottom ... Ph2 is kinda light tan/brownish body ((coloured because of the fuel i suppose , they where silver as new , but used ones are all brownish .. while Ph1 stays silver even if it's used item .. dunno why ?!?)) , round edge end without the black plastic ring ..)


This one is a Ph1.5/2 sender :



.. just to note , base model senders will do as well .. they're the same 205 or 309 no matter , just needs to be right Ph type ..


Damir :P

Edited by DamirGTI

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Cheers, I needed to know this too, was reading up on phase differences last night as my fuel sender has stopped working, I suspected my car was a 1.5 and the forum posts confirmed it, so off to hunt down a ph2 fuel sender

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Thanks again have now put my bid in

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Ahh.. I have a phase 1.5 and my sender unit is silver. That may explain why my gauge likes to have a dance once fuel goes under the 3/4 marker. Thought it was a dodgy earth originally but that didnt do anything once I cleaned it so took it out to investigate and it doesnt look like the one above. I'll have to have a look for another one. :o

Edited by arwel

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Well , it's not a needle dancing issue , this is common for mostly all 205 cars ... fuel gauges are a bit "lively"


From what i've seen , if it has wrong type of sender fitted , the gauge reading will be incorrect i.e. it'll show higher (Ph2 sender in Ph1 car/tank) or lower reading (Ph1 sender in Ph2 tank/car) ..


I'm not 100% but most Ph1.5 cars have later type sender ... later Ph1.5 cars certainly do anyway , though the early ones might still have a Ph1 sender ..


Damir :o

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Ah.. thanks for that. I think it'll be worth trying a different one anyway. Its one thing to be lively but its another when one minute you have half a tank then your nearly empty then a quater, back to empty and back to half again.. :o

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