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A Boring Car Wont Start Question.

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After 5 years of 1st turn of the key reliability my 205 mi16 just wont start up until now its been used every day with no problems. I had always thought I had been lucky with no electrical problems but now its my turn.


There is live going to the fuel pump, relays, ignition coil and all fuses are good. I have tried another ignition module and ecu and fully charged the battery. It turns over but just doesnt fire up no spark at the ignition lead. It has a full tank of fuel.


I hope I get it sorted quickly im carless.



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tried a new crank sensor?


got fuel injecting?

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I can hear and feel fuel coming from the filter to the rail. The crank sensor was brand new 2years ago although I didnt check the current on it.

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Im completely baffled. It 1st did this yesterday at peugeot near me i went in for some quotes on parts then it wouldnt start. I borrowed there booster pack and still no luck waited a few mins to think, tried it again it started got home then didnt start again. left it over night started this morning was about to pull away and thought il turn it off and start it to make sure I dont get stranded and hasnt started all day.

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fuel flowing through the fuel rail is no sign the injectors are firing, whip a plug out and see if they are wet, if you have power from all the relays it can;t be much more than no crank signal or an ignition amp or coil down.


one last possibility, is loose engine to gearbox bolts meaning you'd lose crank signal.

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Problem sorted... I hope! I gave the battery an overnight charge and it starts up fine now. I think the ecu wasnt getting enough volts with a weak battery. Im going to look at getting a new alternator. Thank you for your help welshpug you always have time to help people.


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Hmmmmm. I'm surprised if that's the case :unsure:


With my recent problems (alternator lead sheared off the ring terminal at the battery and was only just making contact thanks to the rubber boot holding it in place) I found that my car would still start up on high 11v. It only refused to start (starter barely turning over) once it dropped down to mid 11v. I'm pretty surprised by that!


But the point being, if you had enough juice to spin the starter, you should have enough juice for the ECU to operate. Having said that, if the starter was pulling too much voltage due to excessive resistance or something, I suppose that could deprive the other systems of their required voltage.

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when my heater lights and radio are on the battery light comes on faintly has done this for a year I remember a thread where people replaced the the brushes and it fixed the problem where can I get a rebuild kit?

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Well hopefully it's just the alternator then, but take my advise, check your positive battery lead is secure at both ends where it connects to the alternator and starter. You don't want the lead coming addrift and sparking off another part of the engine!

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cheers mate il do that tomorrow these are the sort of simple things that people forget about until its too late.

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