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Atari Boy

Any Specialist Tools Needed To Strip And Rebuild Gearbox

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Atari Boy

As above really, I have a spare, unknown 1.6 (BE1 I think) gearbox.

I would quite like to build myself a hybrid gearbox in the future and thought this gearbox would be a good place to start and learn on. 'How to modify and rebuild your manual transmission' landed on my doormat from Amazon this morning but before I started I thought I had better check that I don't need anything specialist tool wise?


Many thanks in advance.

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depends how far you want to strip them, but a set of circlip pliers, punches and a decent hammer is all you need apart from the usual socket set, IIRC a 28mm 12 sided socket for the nuts on the end of the shafts.


205 haynes workshop manual covers it pretty well, and this is a good walk through the process too http://www.rallyparts.co.uk/cwp_change/

Edited by welshpug

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Atari Boy

Excellent, thanks Mei.

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I asked this question some time ago. Apparently there are parts in the gearbox that are no longer available. And for the cost of Miles rebuilding a box, doing it yourself was hardly worth it.


I'd love to know for definite as its the only part of my car I've not tackled yet!

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Buying parts is expensive but any gears have always been this way,

The main tool is either a huge puller, Not the Halfords ones but at least something that can pull a couple of tons without breaking or and a Press.

Not allot you can change in these are 1 & 2 and matched pairs as are 3 & 4, 5th is seperate but uses different sizes bush's from box to box

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