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Re Firing Up The Pug

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My 205 has been sat about for a year and a half and hasnt been fired up for 9 months.


On tuesday i'm taking it for an mot. Are there any parts that will need special attention after this time ?

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Was thinking about you the other day :lol:

Levek check etc, get the rust off the brakes and it should be fine. My mate has them sitting around for years and they start straight up

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Anton green

Worth whipping the cam cover off and squirting some oil about the top end, maybe possibly?

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As easy as that eh! Good stuff.


When you say get the rust off the brakes, do you mean just drive it with the brakes on for a bit or to take them apart and grease the sliders and wire brush all relative bits?


Yeah its been a while since ive bumped into you Miles, I was up your way the other week having a bit of food in the George, I can reconmend the bairmaids there! Food wasnt too bad either :-D


I hope all is well, the little rug rat must be able to do a full strip down and rebuild by now!

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Fired up the thing today after having to rock the starter motor free and it all sounded good.


The pipe from the fuel filter to the rail was perished and was squirting fuel over the block so will replace that tomorrow and hope that not many other pipes have gone.

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