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Probs At 20000 Revs

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hi guys,

need your help with my 205 gti 1.9!! got the car past its m.o.t went to the garage for timing belt and a tune up , as i'm driving it to the garage it starts jumping around just as i'm going into 2nd ,but as it was going into have work done thought nothing of it, called today to be met with what the hell is wrong with the car,you can rev the balls out of it,but put it under load at around 20000 and the engine is like it wants to jump out of the body,any ideas???? :lol:

new dizzy,rota arm ,lead,fuel filter,????

Edited by norm

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20000rpm? Jeez - I know 8v's are pretty hardy, but you must like the impression of the valve gear on the underside of the bonnet even so :lol:


Misfiring under load but OK when not under load would have me looking at the ignition coil and HT side of the ignition first of all

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20000rpm? Jeez - I know 8v's are pretty hardy, but you must like the impression of the valve gear on the underside of the bonnet even so :lol:


Misfiring under load but OK when not under load would have me looking at the ignition coil and HT side of the ignition first of all

cheers Anthony, as this is my first 205 and not upto date with fuel injection,all i can say is that when you set off and change into 2nd the engine starts jumping around put into 2nd then carry on throught the gears and its fine , infact i love the drive ,i'm use to mk1 cortinas!!

i will forward your reply to the garage cheers norm

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hi guys,

need your help with my 205 gti 1.9!! got the car past its m.o.t went to the garage for timing belt and a tune up , as i'm driving it to the garage it starts jumping around just as i'm going into 2nd ,but as it was going into have work done thought nothing of it, called today to be met with what the hell is wrong with the car,you can rev the balls out of it,but put it under load at around 20000 and the engine is like it wants to jump out of the body,any ideas???? :lol:

new dizzy,rota arm ,lead,fuel filter,????

just looking at the revs, he could have said 2000 revs would that make sense ? changing to second

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It'd certainly make more sense than 20k yes! Given that most only rev to around 7!

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but put it under load at around 20000 and the engine is like it wants to jump out of the body


Difficult to be sure what you mean here but do make sure your engine mounts aren't shagged. There is a certain amount of 'give' in the standard mounts, usually the top mount will allow quite a bit of (forwards/backwards) movement which you can see if you rev the engine (with the bonnet open!) but check you haven't lost any mounting bolts


Have a look at this


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Difficult to be sure what you mean here but do make sure your engine mounts aren't shagged. There is a certain amount of 'give' in the standard mounts, usually the top mount will allow quite a bit of (forwards/backwards) movement which you can see if you rev the engine (with the bonnet open!) but check you haven't lost any mounting bolts


Have a look at this


it is hard to discribe, if you go to hard on the gas that is when it throws a wobbler ,feather it out and your fine,someone has said it could be the clutch?but a lot say it's the electrics? it's baffled the garage

and it is at 2000 revs the problems at :lol:

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As people will know from some of my dozy posts, I'm not an expert, but do these have a vacuum advance on the dizzy? Revving fine on no load but bogging on load sounds like a duff advance ...

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As people will know from some of my dozy posts, I'm not an expert, but do these have a vacuum advance on the dizzy? Revving fine on no load but bogging on load sounds like a duff advance ...

thanks, spoke to a chap today,he thinks it could be the engine mounts that have gone what do you think? as the change from 1st to 2nd is savage on the mounts

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Tom Fenton

Norm, I would recommend taking the car to someone who knows 205s. They do have a few niggles that are specific to the car, and most garages probably haven't been asked to work on one for years.

I could look at it for you if you don't find anyone else who is closer.

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Norm, I would recommend taking the car to someone who knows 205s. They do have a few niggles that are specific to the car, and most garages probably haven't been asked to work on one for years.

I could look at it for you if you don't find anyone else who is closer.

Tom that great!! i've asked around for clubs or anyone who works on them in or around the manchester area, but no reply,i'm going to have one last go with the friend who owns the garage, then if you do'nt mind give you a bell and drive over,

once again cheers norm

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