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Starting Issues

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Hey lads, i'm having a few starting problems at the moment.


When she is cold its "grand" starting, she goes up to 1500rpm for a few seconds then drops back down to about 700rpm for a few seconds and then back to 1500.. a bit odd, but maybe the temp sensor isnt reading properly? any idea's?


Also when I stop after driving for a while and go to start it again, its very hard to start and needs a good bit of trottle.. The fuel pump is working when the engine is ticking over, but I never hear it prime before start-up and not sure if its supposed to.. Sumtimes if its hard to start, I stop turning it over after a few seconds and go again and she starts straight away..


Oh its a 92 1.9 gti non-cat.. Any help is good help :)

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does it run rich? if so maybe water temp sensor. my old 205 had a similar problem and eventually would not start, turned out to be the conector on water temp sensor

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it used to run rich, and when it was there wasnt any problem with starting... I have it running between 1.5 and 2co now and since i tuned it I've been having the starting issues..


wouldnt surprise me about the connector, if you touch any peugoet connector your almost garenteed a problem :(

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mines just developed this issue and i could do with sorting it fairly fast.

Part wise: is it a motorfactor job or am i going to have to grace the peugeot main dealer with my presence again?

Another idiot question. where is this item located on the car?


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If its the temperature sensor, you will get it at the dealers..


The sensor is the blue one located on the water housing under the distributor cap...

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If its the temperature sensor, you will get it at the dealers..


The sensor is the blue one located on the water housing under the distributor cap...


Got it, and is it the bit that the blue connector plugs into or is it the connector itself?

sorry ive never done sensor related stuff before

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the blue bit is part of the sensor, then there is a connector that plugs into it.. google 'peugeot temp sensor' and you will see pictures of the sensor or similar...

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Sounds normal :D


It's usually down to the ECU temp sensor, a gummy SAD* and missing bolts in the intake manifold (along with many other minor faults such as corroded wires). Also, if the AFM and Throttle bypass have been adjusted maters aren't exactly helped!


*Supplementary Air Device - helps cold starting and gets gummed up with oil.

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yea think its normal at this stage :D


sure why would you have it any other way... its the 205's personality

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Sounds normal :lol:


It's usually down to the ECU temp sensor, a gummy SAD* and missing bolts in the intake manifold (along with many other minor faults such as corroded wires). Also, if the AFM and Throttle bypass have been adjusted maters aren't exactly helped!


*Supplementary Air Device - helps cold starting and gets gummed up with oil.


How would you go about sorting all this out if you know your cars shagged in this respect? im gona read the SAD article by chief but need major help

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How would you go about sorting all this out if you know your cars shagged in this respect? im gona read the SAD article by chief but need major help


Get a new ECU temp sensor, clean out the SAD with carb cleaner or WD40 etc, retrack the AFM, clean/replace any corroded connectors, put bolts in open holes in the inlet, check for leaks or broken hoses.

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Get a new ECU temp sensor, clean out the SAD with carb cleaner or WD40 etc, retrack the AFM, clean/replace any corroded connectors, put bolts in open holes in the inlet, check for leaks or broken hoses.


im ok to do most of that, just a couple of questions (probably idiot questions, but need to be sure)

> retracking the AFM. I guess theres a guide on here?

> Do/Can i remove the whole SAD unit? or is it a case of cleaning it in situ?


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im ok to do most of that, just a couple of questions (probably idiot questions, but need to be sure)

> retracking the AFM. I guess theres a guide on here?

> Do/Can i remove the whole SAD unit? or is it a case of cleaning it in situ?



Never done retracking afm but all I gather you do is remove the afm cover and you will see the sweeping arm which covers a certain bit of track on pcb simply bend the arm very slightly so it covers a different bit of the track on pcb.


You will never be able to clean SAD with it in situ as it sits right underneath the thermo housing its a pita to get to and get the bleeding bolts out :)


Btw mine isn't good on cold start it fires straight away idles around 1k but then starts to hunt to around 500rpm almost stalling unless give abit of throttle after about 3min or so my sad seems to kick in which is very odd as sad should open straight away :) after engine has warmed it ticks over sweet I think some gti's are better than others luck of the draw :)

Edited by 205*31*

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