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Dead Fuel Pump?

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I am stripping my car for painting and I was moving it around the shop and all of a sudden it wouldn't start any more. I get 12V to the fuel pump but it doesn't work. If I measure resistance across the terminals of the pump i get a short. Is it dead?





And if it is, can anyone recommend a replacement? Should I get a std one or an aftermaket one?

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Have you disturbed the fuel pump earth point while stripping the car for painting?



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I am stripping my car for painting and I was moving it around the shop and all of a sudden it wouldn't start any more. I get 12V to the fuel pump but it doesn't work. If I measure resistance across the terminals of the pump i get a short. Is it dead?





And if it is, can anyone recommend a replacement? Should I get a std one or an aftermaket one?


did you measure voltage at the fuel pump harness plug when disconnected from pump using the earth terminal in plug as your meter earth point?

if so then pump is dead.

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I had fuel pump issues when trying to get my car going after standing for a long time.


I took the pump out and put 12v across the terminals directly, made a dull hum but did not vibrate as though the pump as spinning.


The unit is 'supposedly' sealed with crimping around the edge but this was easily straightened with pliers to open it up.


Might be worth you opening yours and checking the brushes and cleaning the commutator with some fine wet and dry or wire wool before consigning it to the bin.


The small roller bearings in the pump had seized solid with black sludge that was easily cleaned with cotton buds and white spirits.


I've had no trouble with mine since and it all went back together fine.


It's worth spending half an hour tinkering even if you only decide to keep it as a spare.

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