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Replacing The Distributor

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I have a nice shiny new H&H distributor all ready to go on.


As I do not have the knowledge to time the car up is it OK to just fit the new in exactly the same place as the old? I'll be having the car set up correctly on a RR in the next few weeks but I'll need to drive it down there, so I need to be able to drive it the 30 miles or so in order to ensure it's all OK?


The way I see it is, it should be fine, as its a like for like replacement however as all the internals are new something maybe slightly out at higher revs? So if I fit and take a nice sedate drive to the RR we should be fine.


Appreciate any advice given.

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you can get its timing pretty close by ear, simply advance it till you get pinking then retard till it stops!

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cheers WP. Time to have a go I reckon.

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you can get its timing pretty close by ear, simply advance it till you get pinking then retard till it stops!


Stupid question time!!! "what does pinking sound like?" have seen people going on about it on here, but not sure what i'm listening for. Found mine loose when stripping engine bay out (by loose i mean no nuts on it just pushed in!!! bl00dy local garage cowboys). So i will need to sort this when i rebuild.




Sorry for hijacking

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that's fine, at low revs (or if in wrong gear) you'll get a sound like gravel wrattling about under the bonnet and that's pinking!

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The nuts your missing are stupid 11 mm things.


Setting the dizzy half way will probably work just fine untill you take it for setup. Like WP said though timing by ear is easy :)

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MrG and MerlinGTI,

Thanks for your replys, i take it the 11m nuts are M7? should they be stiff/ lock nuts or nut and lock washer?

Thanks again for your help and understanding.


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