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205 Cti 1.9 Cambelt?

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Hi chaps!


Just a quick question -


My car currently has a 113-tooth cambelt in it and I'm not convinced it is the correct part.

I am sure it needs the 114-tooth cambelt.


It is an April 1992 car, original engine, 1.9-litre 105hp.


What difference will a 113-tooth cambelt make to a 114-tooth one, or vice versa [when running]?


Any CTI owners know which 'belt they have?




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The last 1.9 CTi that I had to do a cambelt on needed the 114 tooth cambelt, for what that's worth.


Easiest way to tell is which tensioner it has - the early spring-loaded tensioner uses the 113 tooth belt, whereas the later escentric tensioner uses the later 114 tooth belt.

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