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Gearbox Mounting Bolt Part Number?

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Spent 30mins on the phone to pug this morning and the man was useless! Its the bolt that bolts the lower engine to the box, so to speak. The one closest to the engine mount?


Edited by grantley1988

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6913.k3 bolt

2221.26 stop plate



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Good work! What a stop plate?

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Good work! What a stop plate?


it's the square-ish washer that sits on the bolt

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If that bolt has come out of the gearbox, it's worth checking firstly that you've not stripped the thread in the 'box, and given that you recently replaced the gearbox, that all the dowels were there and didn't get left out - if they did, it seems to put undue stress on the lower rear bolt and cause it to come loose and/or strip the thread.

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If that bolt has come out of the gearbox, it's worth checking firstly that you've not stripped the thread in the 'box, and given that you recently replaced the gearbox, that all the dowels were there and didn't get left out - if they did, it seems to put undue stress on the lower rear bolt and cause it to come loose and/or strip the thread.


Its ok, bolt is still in there but was abit rounded off. So I am just changin it as I am getting a few parts from pug later so for the sake of a couple of quid I may aswell put a new one in!

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If that bolt has come out of the gearbox, it's worth checking firstly that you've not stripped the thread in the 'box, and given that you recently replaced the gearbox, that all the dowels were there and didn't get left out - if they did, it seems to put undue stress on the lower rear bolt and cause it to come loose and/or strip the thread.


thats what i did.

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Tom Fenton

I always use threadlock on the engine to box bolts, even with the dowels in it seems they sometimes can get out.

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