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Kill Switch/immobiliser

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Just as a safety backup (to deter theifs, not as in batt. isolator) when the car's on the road I want to fit a hidden switch on the ignition somewhere. Basically the plan was to put a relay onto wire 46 (as per the Haynes) which connects the starter soleniod from the fusebox. But then I thought if it's only going to the soleniod it will be very low ampage anyway? Sorry if all my terminology is wrong as I'm not tip top with electrics, but if I put a small PTM switch on wire 46 (solenoid coil power[which would be relay 86]) then this would effectivly give me a safely killed starter until the switch is pushed?




If that makes sense, I'll be amazed!

Edited by Obey_R

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Tom Fenton

Given that your insurance company will almost certainly insist on a cat 2 immobiliser being fitted, I wouldn't bother, and just have a proper passive (e.g. automatically detects fob on keyring) immobiliser fitted.

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Killing the starter connection is lame anyway. If they want it, they can bump start it!

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If it’s just for your own peace of mind just remove the king lead.

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Just noticed you said "to deter thieves". Any hidden immobilisation is not a deterent. You have to accept that if they want it, they'll try to take it, and the only way to stop that is to make it less attractive a proposition. That means making it clearly visible to them that

1 - It's not worth wasting their time on, and

2 - That it's going to be bloody difficult if they want to have a crack



So for number 1, you want to make sure you've nothing of value on view, and I also go so far as to make it visible that nothing is hidden (glovebox and cubbies left empty and open, boot empty and parcel shelf removed).


For number 2 you want a visible mechanical immobiliser. Most people swear by the top quality disclok type things that fit over the sterring wheel covering it completely. Perosnally I prefer the quick release steering wheel approach :lol: .


An alarm and immobiliser on their own won't do much, as a determined thief won't give a f*** and most people don't take any notice of a car alarm going off, but in addition to the above it will help. If you were a TWOCer looking for a target, would you try your luck on an old unreliable car with nothing of value in it, a steering lock (or no steering wheel), parked in a well lit area so your activities will be clearly visible, knowing that the alarm will be blaring too? What would be the point? You'd move on to an easier target wouldn't you? That obviously doesn't account for the crack addicts who are off their tits, but to be frank nothing will stop them apart from far out solutions that are likely to be illegal!

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^^^^^ A point well made I feel.

I however prefer the big yellow disc lock. This is basically because I don’t trust the dull c**** that break into cars to notice that the steering wheel is not there! And only notice after they have bent the door back :lol: .

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Okay okay...points well made! :lol:

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i took an old moss alarm out of my 205 the otherday, and it had a relay on the starter wire. Whcih looked like it wouldnt work when the alarm went off, so it can be done. But as people say above big visual things are probs better

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in order to comply with the insurance policy, we had to have an immobiliser fitted (Cat 2 min) so have had the type mentioned by Tom above, works a treat. Its been a long time since I've been asked to have one fitted in oredr to be covered by theft. The last time I had to have a device installed was a tracker and that was on my M3 (10years ago!).

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