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Guest NickH

Hose Connections Xu9j1 (dfz)

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Guest NickH



I finally got my engine back in, but with putting the hoses back, something went wrong, coolant ended up in the intake manifold, now I have to flush oil and coolant system.


Now I'm wondering, what are the right connections?


From the expansion tank, the right hose now goes to the underneath of the throttle valve. A thin hose is coming from the top of the thermostat housing and goes to the top of the throttle valve. Is this right?


The thin hose that comes from the top of the oil filler cap is going to the right side of the 90 degrees air hose, that's connected to the throttle valve.


Am I missing something here?


Thanks in advance,



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Guest NickH

I've fitted the hose that comes from the top of the filler cap on the top of the throttle housing. The coolant hose from expansion under the throttle and the thin coolant hose that comes from the thermostat housing on the other connection under the throttle... I think that's improved.


All I have left is a very thin hose that goes to a little black kind of bottle, near the left front wheel that has 3 connections...


Have to get rid of my coolant that's in the intake manifold now: click

Edited by NickH

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