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Gti Wings On 205 Gr

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Hey Guys ive been looking for some peugeot wings and some one breaking a gti has offered me 40 quid the pair and i was wondering would GTI wings fit on my standard 1988 205 GR


Thanks Dale

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they would fit, but they would have holes in them for the arch trim.

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Welcome along, good to see another local on the forum. The gti wings will fit but they have the holes in them that the trim secures through so you will need to fit the trims aswell.


[edit] Ah I see I was beaten to it, I really should learn to type faster -_-

Edited by Daviewonder

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Welcome along, good to see another local on the forum. The gti wings will fit but they have the holes in them that the trim secures through so you will need to fit the trims aswell.


[edit] Ah I see I was beaten to it, I really should learn to type faster -_-


they would fit, but they would have holes in them for the arch trim.


Cheers guys and Daviewonder im actually in billingshurst near pulbrough but go to college in chichester and thanks for that guys i mite have to accept the guys offer and reach into my wallet and purchase the arch trim etc as hes breaking the a whole MI-16 the link to the car is bellow



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i wouldnt buy the arch trim personally. The GTi arches would look daft on there own on the front, and the whole kit wouldnt fit on as the GR is a 5 door. Id either get the GTi wings and fill the holes, or wait for some standard wings to appear.


Plus the arches wont fit, unless you buy the GTi bumper aswell.

Edited by BERTMAN

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i wouldnt buy the arch trim personally. The GTi arches would look daft on there own on the front, and the whole kit wouldnt fit on as the GR is a 5 door. Id either get the GTi wings and fill the holes, or wait for some standard wings to appear.


Plus the arches wont fit, unless you buy the GTi bumper aswell.


Cheers mate i just realised and yes i reckon ill get the gti ones and fill in the holes also would the front panel of a gti fit on my gr? Because the guy is trying to cut me a deal on that to as i casualy mentioned in convo that mine is rusted to s**t and he said 80 quid for the panel and both wings is this a good deal , bad deal will the panel even fit? :huh:


Thanks guys

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the slam panel will be the same yeh. £80 for wings and a slam panel, you can probs find them for cheaper. I picked up a slam panel from the scrap yard for £5 the other day :huh:

Edited by BERTMAN

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the slam panel will be the same yeh. £80 for wings and a slam panel, you can probs find them for cheaper. I picked up a slam panel from the scrap yard for £5 the other day :)


Its not just the slam panel its the whole front panel as mine is raped i was quoted 55 quid for a pattern one unless this is the slam panel but i always thought this was the slam panel (link bellow)?


Front Panel: http://hadrian.dominohosting.biz/hadrian/h...ent&Ret=ALL


Slam Panel: http://hadrian.dominohosting.biz/hadrian/h...ent&Ret=ALL

Regards Dale

Edited by TheHawk

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Christ. I would not pay that for an old wing that was not suited. I got a GTi wing for my last pug for 7 quid. Go to your local factors. Tell em you work for **insert local big dealership name here** and get a price on all you need. It wont be much.

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Christ. I would not pay that for an old wing that was not suited. I got a GTi wing for my last pug for 7 quid. Go to your local factors. Tell em you work for **insert local big dealership name here** and get a price on all you need. It wont be much.


when you say factors do you mean like a pattern part place? Sorry im kinda new to the whole car game as the 205 is my first car!!!

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Its not just the slam panel its the whole front panel as mine is raped i was quoted 55 quid for a pattern one unless this is the slam panel but i always thought this was the slam panel (link bellow)?


Front Panel: http://hadrian.dominohosting.biz/hadrian/h...ent&Ret=ALL


Slam Panel: http://hadrian.dominohosting.biz/hadrian/h...ent&Ret=ALL

Regards Dale


Yeh you are right, i just read your post wrong :D. Keep your eye on ebay theres always cheap parts on there. Or put an advert on the wanted part of this forum.

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Yeh you are right, i just read your post wrong :lol:. Keep your eye on ebay theres always cheap parts on there. Or put an advert on the wanted part of this forum.


Lol just tryed to do a wanted ad got an error as im not at Drivers level yet im guessing i just have to do loads of posts to get to that level!

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30 Mate :D

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