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Whining Noise Under Acceleration

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hi, im wondering if someone can help me... Over the last few days i have noticed that my car has been making a whining noise when accelerating, especially in 1st gear :S


would anyone know what it could be, low on gearbox oil or something??


any help appreciated, as i dont know what it is :rolleyes:

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Mine does this too. A very distinct whining noise in my left ear under WOT.


But only when my girlfriend is in the car.

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low gear or diff oil more than likely driveshaft seals are shot wouldnt advise driving in it untill you have checked the gearoil





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Might be the diff

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having the same problem the new drivshaft where put in buy a garage so i would asume that he added gearbox oil it the diff oil different and if so where is it and wheres it go???

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just wondering could it maybe be something to do with the cam belt or timing belt??


geting the gear oil changed tomorrow, but am just wondering

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changed the gear oil and is still making the same noise


also revved it when out of gear and is still whining


is is the diff, or could it be in the engine bay??

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If it's doing it out of gear then it's nothing to do with your diff, worst case could be input bearing to gearbox, more likely (I would think) to be alternator/Pas pump/aircon pump (if you have all of of those! There is a vague possibility of it being the bearing in the cambelt tensioner, any idea when it was last changed?

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If it's doing it out of gear then it's nothing to do with your diff, worst case could be input bearing to gearbox, more likely (I would think) to be alternator/Pas pump/aircon pump (if you have all of of those! There is a vague possibility of it being the bearing in the cambelt tensioner, any idea when it was last changed?


someone said it could be the water pump, but as i dont know when the timing belt and all was last changed, im going to get the timing belt and water pump changed. would the tensioner need doing also? anything else to do?



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unfortunately i cant get onto the wanted section...but would anyone know where to get or who is selling a timing belt kit or even just the tensioner for a 89' 1.6 gti??

Edited by lucas_lfc

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tey euro car part there pretty cheep any motor factor should sell them

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You'd be best off buying new from your local motorfactor. Get the timing belt kit which will include tensioners etc, too.

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