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Massive Oil Leak Developed!

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Hi all,


My 205 F Reg 205 Gti 1.9 has developed a oil leak, i cannot find where it is coming from as ive looked over it many times but while having it running and looking for the leak i discovered afew other things its never done before, or seen before.


The first thing i noticed is its dropped a good 3litres of oil in around 1 week over 80 miles..


When you get the engine reving at 4000 RPM its seems to throw oil all over the top of the cyclinder head, battery tray airflow etc, the leak is coming from the dizzy cap side to the point it is soaked... although after that im still unsure where its coming from, as it does not seem to be coming out anywhere when its sat only when moving.


once the engine got to around half way on the engine temp just before the fan kicks in, it starts smoking an incrediable amount out of the back. when the engine sits at 2 bars on the engine temp (quater way) no smoke nothing. Also the engine is finding it hard to breath....


Any help would be apprecaited...


I suppect my rings have gone and its forcing the oil out of where the dipstick sits.

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ade 4wd

Losing 3 litres of oil in a week!!! i thought BP had problems. :D

It sounds like the oil seal between the distributor and the head has failed, its a very common problem.

Can you tell what colour smoke it is, white, black or blue?

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it looks white, but im unsure.... i will run it again tomorrow night to the point it get hot and have a gander!


Cheers for the info tho!

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I second the dizzy to head seal, also if its not breathing very well you should take all the oil pipes off and clean them out at the same time make sure none have collapsed. Just cleaning mine out made a difference to the way it ran.

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Another for the dizzy seal but also have a look at how the dip stick fits into the tube. Also give the breathers a good clean out as said.

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