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Pug Monkey

205 Clutch On Mi16 Motor

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Pug Monkey

I have just put an Mi16 motor in my 205gti and the Mi16 clutch is slipping (yeah I know my bad).


My 205 clutch & pressure plate was new. Can I use the 205 stuff on an Mi16 flywheel? Can i even use the 205 flywheel too ? Gearbox is BE3 (205)




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The clutches are different sizes - mi16 is 215mm, 205 is 200mm, and so aren't compatible.


The 205 flywheel does fit, but you can't use it because it doesn't have the timing teeth for the mi16 ECU.

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You can use the 8V clutch provided you use the 8V Motronic flywheel. As said, the Jetronic flywheel does not have trigger teeth.

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Pug Monkey
You can use the 8V clutch provided you use the 8V Motronic flywheel. As said, the Jetronic flywheel does not have trigger teeth.


Is the 8v motronic flywheel known as a 60/2 ? If so that's the one I have that is in good nick. But I'm unshure the smaller plate clutch on the bigger engine...

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Is the 8v motronic flywheel known as a 60/2 ? If so that's the one I have that is in good nick. But I'm unshure the smaller plate clutch on the bigger engine...


i used a 205 clutch on a mi16 with no issues, using the 205 fly wheel however it was still using the 8v management

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Is the 8v motronic flywheel known as a 60/2 ? If so that's the one I have that is in good nick. But I'm unshure the smaller plate clutch on the bigger engine...


Yes, it's 60-2, the same as the Mi16. The only difference is the clutch diameter. I've used it before and it works fine. Remember there are plenty of hot 8V engines making similar or more torque than a standard Mi16.

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