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Air Box Cannister Bracket

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Hi All


Anybody know where i can get one of these from as been into dealers and they can't get hold of one for love nor money :lol:





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May be worth putting a post in the wanted section once you are able to. I have one on ebay at the moment but it is attached to the airbox that I am selling.

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Think I have added it to my watch list lol !!!, I'm a long way from being able to post in the wanted section hence why I had to post it in here :lol:

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Haveing forgot I had this one saved in my watch on Ebay I am still after this bracket if anybody can help out !!

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Haveing forgot I had this one saved in my watch on Ebay I am still after this bracket if anybody can help out !!

I have just taken out a 1900 engine and still got every thing, what does this bracket look like?

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I just purchased a bracket from the loacal dealsership - It was the bracket the goes from the airbox to the studs on the cylinder head.

Don't have a part number to hand, but it was about £12. Quite a lot for a tin bracket, but value for money compared to faffing around making a new one.



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tried my local dealership mate and they said not available, I don't suppose you could see if they can get another for me could you ?????






I just purchased a bracket from the loacal dealsership - It was the bracket the goes from the airbox to the studs on the cylinder head.

Don't have a part number to hand, but it was about £12. Quite a lot for a tin bracket, but value for money compared to faffing around making a new one.



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its the canister itself that is not available, they can order the bracket for you.



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quoted that number a while back to my local dealers think it was that number I'm not at home so can't check and they said no !!, are they telling me porkies ??

Edited by wah

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quite possible!

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I have run my CTi without this bracket since buying the car in 2003. No problems other than finding it best to fit a long 10mm bolt to the end lug on the canister where it bolts to the cylinder head, & of course a decent locking washer. The thread in the head is pretty long fortunately...using a longer bolt means you can tighten it up pretty hard without stripping the thread.

The canister is supported by the rubber piping to the AFM, so I also put a slight twist on that before tightening the clips, so that means the hose gives some support as well.

I have still got a new bracket that I bought years ago, but have never fitted it. Why? Because I have a complete service history, & you wouldn't believe the number of these the car has gone through!

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tried my local dealership mate and they said not available, I don't suppose you could see if they can get another for me could you ?????







Mine was simply put on order - I suppose it's down to how useful the parts man at the dealership is.

I used Townpark Peugeot in Strathaven (seem very helpful), and it was part 143798 as WP mentioned.


By the time you add postage it would be pretty expensive - likely easier to try another Pug dealer near you.





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