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Xsara Vts Refused To Start On Stage

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Had my vts engined 205 on its first rally to day and we did one and a half stages aprox 6 miles. I cocked up a tight 90 corner and the engine cut out. Tried to restart it no joy, so we got towed in. We then checked fuel, wires on sensors, coil packs and fuses, still no good. After about three quarters of an hour of looking at every thing it started and revved freely and seemed ok. So we tagged on at the back of the rally to continue and make the most of it but as i went to leave the start line as i revved it , the thing just died and would not start again. So back to service park again, where it tried to fire but would not rev and if i tried to rev it it just died. So i left it for about an hour and a half when it started again. It seems that when its cold or just warm it goes but at hot temps it cuts out. I drove the car on the road befor this rally for about 40 miles and all seemed fine. To day was very hot and i found the air inlet elbow i've fitted on the throttle body was quite hot and under bonnet temp was as well. Could it be fuel vaporize or are there heat cut out sensors in the throttle body ? If any one can help please. By the way Jimmer did well. :D

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Had my vts engined 205 on its first rally to day and we did one and a half stages aprox 6 miles. I cocked up a tight 90 corner and the engine cut out. Tried to restart it no joy, so we got towed in. We then checked fuel, wires on sensors, coil packs and fuses, still no good. After about three quarters of an hour of looking at every thing it started and revved freely and seemed ok. So we tagged on at the back of the rally to continue and make the most of it but as i went to leave the start line as i revved it , the thing just died and would not start again. So back to service park again, where it tried to fire but would not rev and if i tried to rev it it just died. So i left it for about an hour and a half when it started again. It seems that when its cold or just warm it goes but at hot temps it cuts out. I drove the car on the road befor this rally for about 40 miles and all seemed fine. To day was very hot and i found the air inlet elbow i've fitted on the throttle body was quite hot and under bonnet temp was as well. Could it be fuel vaporize or are there heat cut out sensors in the throttle body ? If any one can help please. By the way Jimmer did well. :)


Took a look this morning and with the car cold she ran fine. So i'am now wondering if it is due to the extreme under bonnet temperatures when its driven hard on the stages. Would the high temperatures affect the air fuel mix? Should i start thinking about bonnet vents ect? :)

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Took a look this morning and with the car cold she ran fine. So i'am now wondering if it is due to the extreme under bonnet temperatures when its driven hard on the stages. Would the high temperatures affect the air fuel mix? Should i start thinking about bonnet vents ect? :P


Engine temp sensor might be worth checking. Sounds like it could be having the cold engine enrichment on even when the engine is warm.

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Not up on the VTS management, but does it have an ignition amp? My old 8v did exactly this - was down to the ignition amp in the end.

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Do your fuel lines still run under the car? - if so have you lost your exhaust heat shielding and are you cooking them?


Otherwise I would be looking at ignition, on my 8 valve I've had these symptoms with a duff dizzy and a duff ignition amp

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Do your fuel lines still run under the car? - if so have you lost your exhaust heat shielding and are you cooking them?


Otherwise I would be looking at ignition, on my 8 valve I've had these symptoms with a duff dizzy and a duff ignition amp


Fuel lines are in car and not sure about an ignition amp but will check temperature sensor. :)

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Have you still got the diagnostic port fot the eng management? My xsara vts would cut out when hot due to a duff map sensor (maifold absolute pressure). Also produced similar symptoms when the lambda failed.

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Have you still got the diagnostic port fot the eng management? My xsara vts would cut out when hot due to a duff map sensor (maifold absolute pressure). Also produced similar symptoms when the lambda failed.


Sorted it was the sensor on bottom of throttle body, thanks every one I still think i'am going to try to reduce the under bonnet temperature though. :)

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throttle position sensor?

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throttle position sensor?


Yes i assume its the one! :)

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