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Guest jaeboy83

What Gearbox Do I Have

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Guest jaeboy83

Can anybody help???



I am just trying to find out what gearbox i have on my 205....


I brought it with an Mi16 engine with twin webber 45's.


When i brought it the starter motor needed replacing.


I assumed it was the starter for the Mi16 engine from a 405 and replaced.....


It was slightly different and the locator didn't fit but thought i had done a good enough job,


However the starter motor 2 weeks later smashed the starter casing into pieces... I replaced with the same starter but ensured i put in the locator.


Since doing this it is making a scratching sound whilst starting. I assume the teeth on the solinoid don't match the fly wheel....


I now believe it isn't an Mi16 gearbox.....


How do i find out which gearbox it is?


reverse is lift up and next to 1st


i will upload some photot's after posting


where will you need pictures of?





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The crown wheel and pinion, as it has the Final drive ratio stamped on it. Otherwise they all look pretty much the same, so we won't be able to tell you alot.


If your rev counter is semi-accurate then you may be able to reference the rpm at certain speeds to try and tell which it is.

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With the lift up reverse next to first sounds like a BE1 box from a 205, but I don't know what gearbox the 405 used. Someone will no doubt enlighten you....



^ I'd go with Baz, he's infinitely more knowledgable about these things than I am.

Edited by jimistdt

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With reverse next to first its a Be1 but as for what ratios you have its going to be a guess.


Ways to find the final drive to give a better idea is either remove the diff cover & look on the crown wheel for a stamped in number (eg. 59 x 16).


You might have damaged the teeth on the flywheel when you smashed the starter casing from not havign the bush in place. When they have done this it makes a different noise as the starter engages.


Jimi, the 405 Mi16 also used the Be1 gearbox when they were first produced but had the better Be3 style clutch arm instead of the link & pin.


This topic might help with revs & sped.



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Guest jaeboy83

Thanks loads guys.....


sorry to sound thick but where abouts should i be looking for the Crownwheel and Pinion case with the ratios stamped on.

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the crown wheel is bolted to the differential, which you'll find inside the differential casing on the back of the gearbox, its the bit the driveshafts go into.

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Basically strip the box and check, but the starter is the same on every XU and BE combo (Bar S16 and derv's but fitting is OK), The one you might have been sold is a EW which look the same but not quite, One of the bolt holes is plain and smaller than the XU starter's.

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rescue dude

If we assume it is a BE gearbox then surely the diff/gear ratios aren't going to make any difference on what starter motor is fitted?


The flywheel is different on an Mi16 to an 8valve but does this mean you need a different starter motor if you have a BE box?


What starter motors do other Mi16/BE gearbox do other people use?

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If we assume it is a BE gearbox then surely the diff/gear ratios aren't going to make any difference on what starter motor is fitted?

No, the fittings for an XU starter should be the same across all Be gearboxes.


The flywheel is different on an Mi16 to an 8valve but does this mean you need a different starter motor if you have a BE box?

Overall flywheel is same size its just the clutch plate contact area thats different & the timing ring gear so you use the same sater motor.


What starter motors do other Mi16/BE gearbox do other people use?

I've got one of the newer smaller 306 / 406 type starters fitted with a ring terminal for the solenoid wire rather than a spade terminal.



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worth noting that the large bodied 1.9 MI16 starter is too fat to fit the Iron blocks.


most starters from the DW range are the same part number as the XUD's, which fit nicely and tend to be more powerful than a petrol starter, they are also the small bodies like the later XU's.

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