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Electrical Problem

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Aftrnoon All,


Bit of a set back this afternoon, the electrics on my car seem too have gone bonkers. I accidentally shorted the battery out on the slam panel earlier and straight away checked all the lights etc and it was fine. I washed it a little while later and then left it not thinking there was anything wrong with it, so later on I got in and started driving then realised something was a miss when the fuel guage suddenly dropped too the bottom. Now the indicators don't work, when you flash the full beams the indicator signals on the dash flash all the gushes drop slighly, fuel guage is on empty and the driving lights stay on even when the lights are switched off.


Does anyone have any idea as too what is going on here? Or has anyone had any similar issues?


Many thanks, Seb

Edited by zebedy101

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maybe the fusebox has fried? the live feed to the fusebox comes off the shunt box which is attached to the slam panel


i can send you my fusebox diagram for what wires go where if you want to check the ones for indicators, fuel gauge, etc.. for continuity/burnage?

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Sounds like you might have got water somewhere you shouldn't. Shorting out the battery shouldn't have done any damage.

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Thanks for the replys. If you could send me that diagram Kate it would be very much appreciated. I have been hunting through the earth wires and they all seem too be nice and attatched still. The thing confusing me is that if you sit still the indicators will work but soon as you start driving ye stop again. Grrr bloody cars

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Wooohoo sorted it just re earthed it and now I have electrical power again I'm a very happy man.

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