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Guest tomchester999

405 Diesel Transplant - What To Do?

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Guest tomchester999

Hi Guys


I have a 205 stdt with a 405 td engine in it, the head gasket has gone, I have another 405 engine that im going to put in, just wondering what are the important things to get done to it before fitting?


I'm thinking cambelt, clutch


What else is good to do whilst its out? even little things like gaskets etc?





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Why dont you just change the head gasket?


You can do it with the engine still in the 205. I would recommen a timing belt and water pump while the head is off.

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because its a right arse to do it in the car with a TD lump!


if the replacement engine is a known good unit then just a belt kit water pump and a service will suffice, maybe an exhaust dowpipe gasket whilst its out.

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