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Box Or Clutch?

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Let a friend drive the car this weekend, they only drove 20 miles in it and i was sitting next to them the whole time.


But when i drove it 10 mins before hand, box was fine. no crunchs or grinds. However as she was driving it i noticed a couple of crunchs.


Anyway by the time i got to drive it, it was crunching in pretty much every gear.


ive adjusted the clutch out so i have loads of travel on it.


when im stationary and try for reverse i get a crunch 9/10 times. so im thinking the clutch isnt disengaging properly. the mechinism looks fine from the outside.


what would cause a clutch to start doing this?





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Tom Fenton

Check all the gearbox to engine bolts are (a) in and (:) tight.

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Like tom said check the bell housing bolts as when loose they do cause this, happend to my mates RSTurbo.


If its still the same I would definatly say a clutch failiure, or a snapped clutch fork and its only putting pressure on one half of the pressure plate. Removal and in inspection will reveal all.


Good luck


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BE1 gearboxes are affected by the quadrant the cable attaches to bending, have a look at that as it causes the symptoms you describe.

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Just thought I would ask a few questions surrounding this Quadrant you talk about above.


Ive recently just swapped engines and have put a fresher ( on a budget ) clutch back in the car as that old one seemed to be starting to crunch like you said so thought It was the clutch. Put the new one in today, drove for about 20 minutes and then the clutch nearly went to the floor. Looking at the quadrant it seems to be sitting at a funny angle to the pin it pushes into the fork to release the clutch. Would this be a major cause of what feels like a stretching clutch cable?


I also have realised that i have forgotten to replace what ever holds the release bearing on when you trying to remove the gearbox. Sliding a pin into something so it comes of the input shaft... Could this also contribute. Sorry for the Vaugeness...



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nothing holds the release bearing bar the little clips on it.


quite common to see a bent quadrant arm on the clutch, just bend it back and replace the bushes (same as the gearstick ones on the subframe, about 50p each) weld it if necessary.

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Let a friend drive the car this weekend, they only drove 20 miles in it and i was sitting next to them the whole time.


But when i drove it 10 mins before hand, box was fine. no crunchs or grinds. However as she was driving it i noticed a couple of crunchs.


Anyway by the time i got to drive it, it was crunching in pretty much every gear.


ive adjusted the clutch out so i have loads of travel on it.


when im stationary and try for reverse i get a crunch 9/10 times. so im thinking the clutch isnt disengaging properly. the mechinism looks fine from the outside.


what would cause a clutch to start doing this?





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I have had the same problem and found that my one of the linkage rod was bent make it hard to get in gear.Is you gear box giving excessive noise with the pedal down or up

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