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What Sensor Type On Mi16 3 Row?

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What type of knock sensor it on the 3 row ecu mi16 is it a mass piezo or a resonance piezo.

Also what type of cps sensor is on the above inductive or hall.

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What type of knock sensor it on the 3 row ecu mi16 is it a mass piezo or a resonance piezo.

Also what type of cps sensor is on the above inductive or hall.


It won't be Hall sensor for sure; just a typical GTI/Mi CAS.


As for knock sensors I have quite a few, all of which will be suitable. £5 posted. This is the sensor which you bolt through into the block/bearing cap, fly lead and AMP connector.


Let me know if you want one.

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Thanks for the reply Rich. I want to Know what type they are more for how to test them.

I would say they are the inductive type of cas and the mass piezo type of knock.

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I think this link covers it Huw, the knock sensor crank sensor and ecu temperature sensors although under different part numbers and a different management system I believe are the same values, my copy of autodata doesn't hold specific information for the 1.9 mi16 management systems to confirm it though.



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I too have been told that a gti6 crank sensor does the job on the mi :) about £26 from euro car parts

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