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How To Change Clutch Cable?

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Hi, clutch cable snapped a few days ago...need to change it. have a gti 6 engine, and is very crampt. Best way to route cable in etc? Btw have S16 box

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The engine won't make any odds on fitting the cable as it's done from on top of the gearbox, then underneath/inside the car. Easiest guide is to take note of how the current one is fitted! Although you may have lost some fittings on the snapped end if it's come off the gearbox but they generally all come with a new cable anyway.


It comes out of the bulkhead right infront of the clutch pedal, drops down a bit and follows the subframe under the engine then up over the gearbox from memory.

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just don't know how where the cable goes through :S ? I ripped old one out in a haste, not reeealy sure where it goes now :s

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If your looking at the brake servo in the engine bay, it's beneath it on the bottom of the pedal box thing.


Go under the car and you'll find it easy enough.

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Do you have to pull the white cap cable holder from underneath then unclasp from the pedal ?

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wel.....i already took the old cable out. the plastic bit that goes on the pedal is the bit that broke, and why i'm putting a new one on

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Iirc you need to pull the plastic bit out of the rubber grommet on the cable before pushing rubber grommet into the bulkhead, then push the plastic bit back into the grommet to secure it there, then run the cable along the front of the subframe and then up onto the top of the gearbox. Easy :)

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hi everyone....having moooore trouble. I have what i can see to be a BE3 pedal. SPOOX (grrrrr) have given me an S16 clutch cable, or what they said it was. But i tryed to put it on, and when i tryed to attatch on where it goes on to the box it doesn't fit. On the box it goes through a circular hole. On the clutch cable has a kind of a square block on it, which according to SPOOX, attatched to somewhere on the box. There isn't anywhere for it :S ...I've since rang them back up, explained the issue, and they said it needs a different cable and that the pedal needs to be "modified" in their words, because of it being a GTI6 :S any idea what this is going to mean etc etc etc? Thanks

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