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Gti6 Box Into 1.9gti Lift Up Reverse, Guide Wanted Lol

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is there a defintive or how to guide? not had much luck with the search option, but ive bought a gti6 box and want to put it on my 205. i was told the original box is a 1.6 box, its lift up reverse and very low geared, 6000rpm in 5th is about 120mph so i assume it is 1.6 box. any way, does anyone know exactly what parts i need to do the conversion? will my shafts fit? gear linkages? speedo drive/cable? what clutch cable do i use? i have the gti6 1 if that will help me lol im aware of the steering lock problem but i always fancied a 6 speed in it and due to killing the clutch the box has to come off anyway. cheers

Edited by samc

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have done this myself on my mi16 the n/s input shaft needs changing to a gti6 driveshaft unless its a late gti6 box and the speedo drive will need to be swapped over from the 1600 box also be warned you will lose around 6cm of right hand lock as thebox is alot longer than standard, and you will need to swap over the clutch arm,thrust bearing and fork as gti6's are pull rather than the gti clutch is a push type, simple drill or knock the pin out and swap for the 1600 arm fork and thrust bearing.

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i had one in my lazer green 1.9 great box luved it but lefft hand lock is crap you will need a lock stop for the m.o.t man or your rack modified and multi story car carparks are a no no good luck

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have done this myself on my mi16 the n/s input shaft needs changing to a gti6 driveshaft unless its a late gti6 box and the speedo drive will need to be swapped over from the 1600 box also be warned you will lose around 6cm of right hand lock as thebox is alot longer than standard, and you will need to swap over the clutch arm,thrust bearing and fork as gti6's are pull rather than the gti clutch is a push type, simple drill or knock the pin out and swap for the 1600 arm fork and thrust bearing.


its from an x reg 306, i had seen that it had an electric speedo sender, so that should just unbolt and swap over? excellent. what do you mean by input shaft? the small drive shaft? does x reg qualify for a late box? cheers

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multi story car carparks are a no no


;) Are they really that bad? How do they do on mini roundabouts? I'm assuming spacers and 309 arms make a bit of difference?

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lol forget mini roundabouts they are a big no no and mate its the input shaft on the passanger side you need to split the gearbox end off a 306 shaft and use that on your 205 driveshaft but check the fitment 1st as i have heard they fit straight in on the later boxes as mine is a 96 (p) your know ifit doesn't fit as it wont mate up with the diff housing there will be a 5mm or so gap between and the speedo drive swapped straight over on mine and works fine any other probs PM me bud

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excellent, cheers

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fit the 205 diff, then you can use standard 1.6 1.9 or 309 shafts.


as mentioned, the end casing is 55mm longer, when a 195 50 rubs the end of a standard gearbox you can imagine the effects on the lock you get ;)



309 arms would give you 10mm back, 1.6 hubs another 10mm.


it might be possible to use a gti6 PAS ram if you have PAS, as it limits r/h lock.

Edited by welshpug

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The box is weaker than any 5 speed unit not stronger which is a common misconception

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Never had any problems with mine! The only time I have issues with the lock is when I'm parking in a tight space.

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got my box out and the clutch arm actually goes through the casing where as the gti6 1 has an arm on the top with a shaft going through the box with the release bearing fork coming off it. my original box has lift up reverse and is very short ratio'd, anyone any idea what it will be out of? also what model of 205 can i go get the required parts from that i need to use the gti6 box. and what do i need? or can i just use the gti6 clutch cable? whats the difference in preasure plates?? thanks

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Your box will be a 1.6 be1 box, you will need a clutch lever and fork from a 205 with a be3 box, i believe they changed around 1990? They are the ones with reverse "bottom right". I am using 309 driveshafts with mine and have not changed the speedo drive, haven't done many miles atall in it though, can anyone tell me if i will have a problem because the talk of changing diff's has got me worried now? B)


Cheers, Rob

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all in, can anyone tell me if this shaft is in far enough?


is that the reason i need to use a gti6 shaft? or is that ok? cheers

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Doesn't look quite in enough to me, no.



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yes this is the end you need to swap over as mine was the same so bought a inner shaft off baz and it now fits nice and flush. so you do need it changed.

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Miles says to just fit the 205 diff, which I'd be inclined to do myself as it saves faffing with driveshafts.

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Miles says to just fit the 205 diff, which I'd be inclined to do myself as it saves faffing with driveshafts.


i've done this on my vts box, there doesn't look like much in it though a few mm maybe?

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looks like 5mm, which is enough to make the seal not seal, especially if they're not o.e and have been fitted flush.

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Think I'll get the different shaft then, much easier than changing the diff, cheers

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changing diff is piss easy :)

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Fully agree but not as quick or easy as changing the shaft

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I'd rather mess with diff oil than CV grease :)

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Is it still easy to chang the diff when de gearbox is fitted in the car?

Because i have the same problem as samc. The driveshaft sticks out about 4-5 mm....

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I'd rather mess with diff oil than CV grease :lol:


there is that like lol but cv grease wipes/washes off, gearbox oil stays with you for the rest of your life haha

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yes this is the end you need to swap over as mine was the same so bought a inner shaft off baz and it now fits nice and flush. so you do need it changed.


what inner shaft was it that you used? gti6? or will any 306 inner do? xrdt for example? cheers

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