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Guest rossco

Another Dead Gti :(

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Atari Boy

How about this shell?



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Any Phase 1 interior bits left?

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Guest rossco
How about this shell?





unfortunatly i have no money at all. i do however have an 02 plate diesel vectra that sat still since i bought the pug. so if i scrap the pug then i can get the vectra mot'd, taxed and sold then ill have money for another 205.


theres not much of the interior left. the back seats were all ripped so they got binned, front passenger seat collapsed in the crash and the drivers seat bent. ive warped the steering wheel as well from holding onto it so hard when it started rolling

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Mmmmm 10K for a good shell isn't it nowadays?!


One day....should really stock up!



Best not be, I just sold mine for £2.5k!! :)


Oh, and good to hear your ok too, must have been some clenching of the cheeks when you spotted the water.....

Edited by Marshall

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Guest rossco
Best not be, I just sold mine for £2.5k!! :ph34r:


Oh, and good to hear your ok too, must have been some clenching of the cheeks when you spotted the water.....



oh aye, arsehole was givin it 5p 50p. think my heart may have actually stopped haha. as soon as i saw it i knew i was f***ed

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Bad news but at least you walked away from it!

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