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New Afm Problems..

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I've picked up a reconditioned (Looks like its just been bead blasted) Air flow meter, its a Bosch model.. Not like the Intermotor one on my GTi at the moment, and it's been recond' by a company called LYNX..


To start i'm only messing about trying this Bosch AFM out to see if the car runs any better and if it will stop cutting out now and again when i let the revs drop to idle..

Ive tried the Bosch AFM on the car, its a slightly different design to my current AFM, doesnt quite fit the bracket to the battery, it weighs about half of what my intermotor one does.. And it doesn't work ;)


I can get the engine to sort of start up if my foots right down on the gas, other than that.. Nothing =/


Any ideas? I mean the running problems might not even be the AFM.. :)

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Is it even the correct one for the car? A 1.9 non-CAT ECU should have a Bosch part number that ends in 109

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The same Bosch Jetronic AFM is used in loads of cars, Vauxhalls, BMWs etc. They're all calibrated differently, so don't expect good results from sticking any old one in there. As Anthony stated, you need the correct part number.

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Hi, I tried afm when I had similar probs with mine....

Set up throttle position switch , and adjusted idle and mine runs a treat now.

If you have a haynes manual if tells you how to set up on there. Althought plenty of tops on here from a lot of knowledgable guys..

Hope this helps


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I might have an old one lying around still from when mine was an 8v which you could borrow, i'll have a look round over the weekend for it!!

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Jim, That'd be fantastic! The problem seems to be getting worse now too :lol:


I've been told I need a new ignition amp.. Any ideas who's got one lying about? I'll post in wanted too




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And the AFM i picked up was for a Vauxhall Cavvy..! Sold it on ebay :lol:

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