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Fan Wire

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hi there just been looking at putting the mi back into my 205 today but i had a head scratching moment as i can find where my fan wire goes back into as you look at the car i have 1 fan (other out for oil cooler) its the 1 on the right and has 2 wires going off it into a gry slim plug i thought it goes into the little black box by the bat but there is no room left to plug it in i have done a search i come up with something but nothing that could really clarify where i plug this into any help would be much appreciated thanks...

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It plugs into the grey connector on the seperate fan mini-loom that has around 5 plugs on it

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It plugs into the grey connector on the seperate fan mini-loom that has around 5 plugs on it


is that what they call the shunt box that's the only thing round there that has 4 plugs on it i'm wondering if it was ever wired up i have never heard it tbh

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No. The fan loom plugs into the shunt box, and then has connections that go to the fan, the radiator thermoswitch, earth, the fan resistor, and sometimes a test switch.

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ok i have been out to the car and this is what i have shunt box, a group of wires coming from there with blue connector (fan switch) and 1 brown connector 1 with 3 wires blue, green and white another brown connector with 4 wires 2 whites going into 1 and 2 blues going into 1, no other wires or switches boxes so i think it's missing if so the easiest thing to do is wire up to a switch i suppose.

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ok i have been out to the car and this is what i have shunt box, a group of wires coming from there with blue connector (fan switch) and 1 brown connector 1 with 3 wires blue, green and white another brown connector with 4 wires 2 whites going into 1 and 2 blues going into 1, no other wires or switches boxes so i think it's missing if so the easiest thing to do is wire up to a switch i suppose.

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