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Help Needed, Shaking Car.....

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i have had a problem since i bought the car, i have done a few things and its got better


from the start when i got to 50mph the whole car seems to be shaking, and you cant drive through it,


i changed the wishbones as the joint were screwed, no difference....


chnaged o/s drive shaft, it seemed to be very nochy, this slightly improved the problem, it didnt start still 60mph


changed n/s drive saft, shaft seemed ok, has once again slightly improved, now starts at 70mph


tracking and wheel balancing has also been done,


getting really fed up with it now, i am starting to wonder if the drive shafts may have knocked out the wheel bearings, which i belive i may need to have pressed put and in, so this will need to go to a mechanic to be done..


cheers for any help, Stu

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Hi Mate, could it be an egged tyre? Has the car been stood up for a long time as this can cause flat spots on the tyres? Have you tried swapping the front wheels with the rears?

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As above, I went through a similar routine on my old STDT when I bought it & it had a vibration at a certain speed.


Swapped driveshafts & wishbones (at least one did have a knackered bush) but it turned out to be a rear tyre had an egg that finally came to light when I got a flat tyre.


Swapped the wheel & all was fixed.



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I had the balancing done on the fronts, the wheels had been sitting for at least a year as i got them with my old 306, my missus has a 207 company car, i might borrow the wheels off of that tonight as a way of testing,


cheers and i'll keep you updated

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I had a very similar problem in my wife's old HDI, I changed the driveshafts and the wheel bearings and the problem went away.


I would suggest changing the wheel bearings, just whip the hubs off one evening and get the new bearings and hubs down to a local friendly garage the following morning for them to be pressed in/out. My mate does mine in Basildon, but am sure you'll find someone more local. Probably cost £5/10 per side



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can you feel it through the wheel and gearstick, or just the gearstick? which is stronger?

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its the enitire car shaking,

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I reckon its tyres, similar issue on our old BMW, changed the (what looked like reasonable) tyres and job done.

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Gonna pinch my other halfs wheels tonight, n give that a go. fingers crossed

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Tyres +1

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im also one for a tyre (or more than one) causing the problem. let us know how it goes once you've swapping the wheels

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right put the front wheels from her car on to mine, made a slight difference, but the rear ones wouldnt go on, as hers a a bigger profile, so put all my wheels on her car, took it for a spin, and her car was shaking, so new tyres it is, cheers for the help guys,


so i'm gonna sell the gti6 wheels, with screw tyres, and my odd 3 1.6 wheels, and hopefully cover the cost of a set of 1.9 wheels,

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IMO its more likely to be a rear tyre, was on my car anyway but check the sidewalls etc for bulges & damage.



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bought a set of 1.9 wheels with s*it hot tires, problem solved!!


but now found i have warped discs, but there crap any way, got an excuse for bigger brakes!!!

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