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Runs For 10/15 Seconds Then Cuts Out

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Started the car over the weekend and after 10/15 seconds it cut out,

It does this all the time and will not run for more than 10/15 seconds,


This engine has been rebuilt and I have had it running a few times but it cut out,

As it was low on fuel I put it down to that,


Now with half a tank still no joy,


I have changed the fuel filter incase it picked up dirt,


I have checked the pump and it is working as I can here it run on for a few seconds after the car cuts out,

Plus it will restart so fuel must be getting up through the pump,

As the car will run I'm thinking it is not fuel/spark/timing, and is something else,


Anyone had this before or point me in the right direction,


Fookin pullin my hair out now,



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does it cut out regardless of what you do to the throttle?

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Yeah, I have to use the throttle to keep it running then it cuts out,



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I would check that the AFM is not seized and gives the right signals, and that there are no air leaks.

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Are you sure that there is no moisture anywhere?


Only reason I say it is that when my mums Gentry had a coolant leak the other week, I repaired the leak (angled hose under dizzie) and dried off the spray over the engine and the car would start fine, but then cut out after 10 - 15 secs. So I didn't suspect spark etc either and suspected fuelling.


However, after checking fuelling and fuses etc and getting quite frustrated, I thought 'I wonder' and decided to check the dizzie. After removing the dizzie cap I found the fault. It was full of water! The guy next door who has over 20 years mechanical experience said he had never seen one so full of water before and couldn't believe it run at all. Water from burst hose had sprayed and got inside.


After drying cap / rotor and HT leads all out and cleaning them up, the car fired as before, but this time, stayed fired and began clearing itself.


Now, the point of this rather long winded response is that my mums one run seemingly smoothly then cut after 10 - 15secs, so moisture was not suspected at first, but fuelling. Maybe your fault is similar? I.e; not necessarily a coolant leak, but moisture somewhere?

Edited by denva2682

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The Arch Bishop

Mine did this when I first got it running. I pulled my hair out for ages changing everything. Out of desperation, I got taylorspug over for his opinion. Turns out that the inlet manifold had a cheapo generic gasket on it which had the injector holes in the wrong place. There was about a 4mm hole for the fuel to trickle through meaning it'd start but die as soon as the massed fuel ran out. Ten mins with a scalpel and it ran perfectly.


May be worth pulling the injectors out for a look if the engine is an unknown and hasn't run before.

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Thanks for the replies lads,


Checked the AFM, Dizzie Cap and hoses for air leaks, everything was dead on, no probs found,



Then I pulled the fuel rail off to check the inlet gasket......... Fook me the port was blocked by the gasket !!


It would have been a few days, if not weeks before I would have found this,


Even then it would only have been to change injectors thinking the ones in her were playing up,


So big thanks to The Arch Bishop for the heads up, :( you sir are a Legend




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The Arch Bishop

Yay! I got one right! Glad it helped, it drove me mad until Dan found it!

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