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Do I Report Him?

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I’m after peoples opinions on this, there is a bloke from my small complex of flats who is using an untaxed car daily, he also parks it in our residents car park.


Currently we have work being carried out so some of the spaces have been lost to storage cabins, this is making getting a space tricky at the moment.


I’m getting quite annoyed by the fact the I have always taxed/insured and mot’d all of my cars correctly and it’s p’ing me off somewhat that this bloke seems to be using his car for free and also taking up a potential space I could use with his untaxed and battered car. (one headlight has tape rather than glass!)


Would I be any less of a person if I dropped the DVLA an email to report him?


(I’m still quite annoyed as this is the same family who kept parking on the corner and blocking people in or making it very difficult for them to get out of spaces last year, despite being asked nicely not to)

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could it be that he's waiting for the disc to arrvie in the post?

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Tom Fenton

Easy way to find out is to get his no plate and do the DVLA online check. If he is waiting for the disc it will show as licesnsed on there.


As to whether you report him that is up to you to decide.

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It's a hard one, but I would possibly have a word in the ear of a Police officer expressing your concerns over the condition it is in and being used on the road. That way if the Police do there job they will find out the full story and deal with it, they will also know if the car is legal in every respect.

Edited by gtmotorsport

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I would report him. I spend a small fortune paying my tax and insurance so why should other people get away with it. If he can't afford to drive then he shouldn't have a car.

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I’ve had a quick look and it says date of liability is 1/7/10 which would make it taxed, but taxed either last year or the start of this.


I think he’s only been driving this exact car for a few weeks and I expect the previous owner has removed the tax as there is definitely no disc anywhere on the car.


I know it sounds really old and moany but I’m getting increasingly hacked off trying to struggle through life and other people just seem to avoid doing things the way everyone else has too.

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Do it. If its not taxed then his insurance if he has any, won't be valid so good luck if he drives into your car when parking etc...I also spent a small fortune on insurance and all that so it winds me right up when I hear of anyone not bothering with insurance/tax/mot

Edited by VisaGTi16v

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Tom Fenton

I can't see the databases taking that long to update, if it says that it is taxed on there then I'd think it is taxed.


However the rozzers can still do him for failing to display.

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same thing happened to me, a neighbour parking outside my house with no tax. so i rang the police and they ignored me, rang the DVLA and they said it was taxed..


i ended up leaving him a message to move his car from outside my house, which worked

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Do it! Why should you or anyone else tax theirs for others not to bother? I often think I shouldn't bother because of the state of the roads but I would get caught after driving half a mile & get a ridiculous fine because of it.

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Find your local community support officer and report it to them. If its anything like my local one (we dont really have a high crime area) she likes to check every car on her beat...

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Do it. If its not taxed then his insurance if he has any, won't be valid so good luck if he drives into your car when parking etc

Lack of tax or MOT does not automatically void insurance, and certainly if the owner has a valid policy the insurance company will normally cover the 3rd party losses regardless. It does have insurance, doesn't it (check on askmid.com)?


If it's showing up as both taxed and insured, I wouldn't do anything personally - reporting someone for failing to display would be frankly beyond petty in my eyes. After all, it's not this guys fault that there's a reduced number of parking spaces in your block of flats, and assuming he pays rent / service charge the same as you do, he's just as much right to park there whether his car is tatty or mint.


I don't like the direction that society is heading with people reporting their neighbours for what are non-issues at the end of the day. Live your life, and let them live theirs.

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a couple of points

havnt we all[okay maybe nearly all] driven a car with no tax on at sometime? or parked a car up with no tax on it in a carpark etc

but on the times ive done this you keep a low profile and dont upset other people

you could always slip a note under the windscreen wiper

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i agree with that.. unless they park outside my house ;)

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My neighbours reported my Mondeo as untaxed last year, it had expired the day before and I had taxed it online the day before that. It isn't nice to come out to a massive A4 sized red and yellow sticker on your windscreen branding you as a criminal when you've actually done nothing wrong. Now, my neighbours are known down my whole road for being absolute c*nts (he was knocked out by one of them a few years ago), and it's a slippery slope to analdom if you start reporting people for petty crimes. The next thing you know you'll be imposing parking restrictions and putting tree preservation orders on houses down your road to stop people getting extensions! (Can you tell these are all things my neighbour has done?) ;)

Edited by Cameron

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If it's been happening for a long time then I'd say fair doos and report him. Yes it is a slippery slope but I and I'm sure practically everyone on here in their eyes pays a shed load of money every year to keep their cars legal so why should he not have too because he decides not to bother. If it's because he can't afford the tax then without sounding completely unsympathetic, he shouldn't own a car.


I went to renew mine at the end of April, the bastards fleeced me for an additional £8 just for 6 months tax. That price hike occurred in less than a week from getting the renewal reminder to paying online, un-fu*king-believable!


Sod him, if he can't be arsed to tax it he deserves all he gets. If it is taxed, but not displayed then I'm sure noone will even do anything about it.

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I used to live on a street where on-road parking was at a premium. I'd often have to drive up and down several times before either finding a space, or losing patience and parking streets away.


One particular resident would place flower pots on the road to prevent others parking there. Now I fully understand and would consider it perfectly acceptable to reserve a space outside your own home, but when it's nearly four car lengths, it takes the piss a little.


Don't get me started on the woman who parked in MY resident's space, in front of MY garage. Preventing me from using my car, only to return four hours later to see me leaving a note on her windscreen. She kindly phoned the police and reported that someone had vandalised her car. Mental. ;)

Edited by richsmells

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Some girl visiting one of my neighbors parked right at the end of my driveway at my old student house. Unfortunately for her this was just after my bonnet had flung open so I wasn't in the best of moods! I parked behind her and then waited an hour from when she first knocked on the door to let her out. ;)


I'm not condoning driving without tax by any means, and if he was really untaxed then I would support you dobbing him in. But if your investigation on the DVLA site shows his car is tax registered then I would just leave it at that, as Anthony said reporting someone for not displaying is just so petty.

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I have no qualms about grassing up people I don't like. I don't get why people get so angry about parking outside someones house (with tax) that's what it's for, everywhere we park for 'free' is outside someones residence.


I have a neighbour who comes out and moans, other than vandalising my already humorous banger I'm not sure what else he can do. Typical window twitcher.

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I don't like the direction that society is heading with people reporting their neighbours for what are non-issues at the end of the day. Live your life, and let them live theirs.

Exactly, why waste your time, there's vigilant enough systems in polace already that don't let you go for 5mins without coughing up for something.

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I used to live on a street where on-road parking was at a premium. I'd often have to drive up and down several times before either finding a space, or losing patience and parking streets away.


One particular resident would place flower pots on the road to prevent others parking there. Now I fully understand and would consider it perfectly acceptable to reserve a space outside your own home, but when it's nearly four car lengths, it takes the piss a little.


Don't get me started on the woman who parked in MY resident's space, in front of MY garage. Preventing me from using my car, only to return four hours later to see me leaving a note on her windscreen. She kindly phoned the police and reported that someone had vandalised her car. Mental. ;)

The 'reserving' stuff I can't stand, if you're not there - tough.


I usually remove them and let someone else park there unknowingly.

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he'll be picked up by ANPR soon enough if he is using it without TAX.

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I don't like the direction that society is heading with people reporting their neighbours for what are non-issues at the end of the day. Live your life, and let them live theirs.


I know it may seem petty and I wouldn't just report people but this family constantly parks without consideration for others.


I guess this is just my way of making them realise as I'm not the sort of person who would "go round and make them pay" as many people on here would suggest.


It once took me ages to get out of a space and I was late for work as his mrs had left her car on the corner where they had been asked not to.


There was literally millimetres between our bumpers when I finally got the car through.




I'm not all bad, I did once find there dog and take it back to them. Best bit was he shut it in the van and when the dog jumped about he knocked the handbrake off and the transit rolled down the hill and hit a tree!!

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I've never knowingly driven about without tax and MOT so I dont feel any remorse for him.

Report him. If we create a culture of turning a blind eye then we in effect condone the behaviour. It may be a small issue to some but thats a matter of opinion and no-one else on the site has to live by him..

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i'd say yes at first, but then i thought of the trouble it might cause. they might start doing things to annoy you even more, like blocking you in, which they shouldnt. and as soon as your tax ran out by accident they'd report you, they'd be wanting to get there own back strait away. i think maybe just tell them politly that their tax is out and if it hasnt rectified the problrm in a week then tell the DVLA

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