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Tu3 Be Gearbox?

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right guys random one here for a quick cheap fix on my xs

basically im planning to slowly swap parts from my gti into my xs so not wanting to buy parts for the xs like

thing is a driveshaft is on its way out and im thinking of putting my 1.6gti box in aswell as its shafts hubs and gear linkages but what about the bell housing to the block?

and the clutch??


ive seen be boxes fitted to tu5j4 16v engines as its stronger but not really sure how its done tbh


would fit the lot on the engine but it needs a head gasket B)


or a i just going to have to put up with some knocking for a few weeks??

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As far as I'm aware only the BE4 box from the likes of a Citroen Picasso, C4 or 307 is suitable. Has been covered a few times.

Edited by jonnygoodhand

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i searches tu and be and got no results B)




so looks like im gonna have to put up with it then

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You need a BE4 box from a TU 1.6, your GTi box won't fit. You also need to use GTi 1.6 or diesel driveshafts. You also need the intermediate bearing carrier from the car the gearbox came from. You'll have to get creative with the gear linkages, I made mine up from a mixture of GTi rods and some home made linkages. You'll also have to re-reoute the clutch cable.


Not the easiest job in the world as there is a fair bit of improvisation, although saying that it's very satisfying once it's done. I've got a few pictures in my project thread.


It's worth noting that the driveshaft sits slightly further back (away from the engine block) and so you may also need to modify your downpipe so they dont touch. Big hammer sorted mine B)

Edited by RossD

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I'll just leave it if my gti box won't work then


got the entire car to take parts from though lol

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does anyone have a list of all the diffrent ratios, as i am happy with the xs ratios so would like something similar, any information would be great

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Again, use the search function. It's been covered countless times before.

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yeh the search button isnt all that brilliant iv spent a long time a while back and didnt find much realy, im on about a full list of ratios like i have got for the tu boxes

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I've attached the file you want as I dug it out for myself earlier ;)


This has been done to death but I seem to have the same problems you have with the search function. That being that I can never find what I want even when I know it exists.


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