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Running Problems (again)

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So, my latest running issue...I'll try to explain this as well as I can.


Ok, whenever I turn a left-hander, go up a slope, travel along a bumpy road, the car tends to die/stall....I can keep it going by revving alot, pushing the clutch in whatever, but the car tends to want to stall. I've replaced the ECU and the fuel pump, but the problem still persists. On a straight flat road, or going around a right hand corner, no problems at all.


The problem only recently started. I'd been checking grounds around the car when this problem developed. Also wondering if I troubled a wire on the fuseboard on reflection.


But I'm wondering which is more likely, an electrical problem, or a mechanical problem with a component? If mechanical, what other components should I replace? The last component I installed before this issue started was the ECU and it was the first thing I tried by putting back the old one.

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The Arch Bishop

Maybe a piece of wiring that shorts when it swings to the right? Something like the dizzy fly lead?

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Will have to check. Any other places that I should check for wire shorts?

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What car is this in 205 mi16 1.6 1.9 2ltr? and were have you put the ECU?

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I had similar issue ages ago, turned out to be a loose earth on gearbox. Sounds like you've checked that though...


Loose positive wire going to shunt box?

Edited by Paul_13

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I knew of a Mini that had similar problems to this, it turned out to be a damaged live wire shorting out on the body under breaking ;)

Edited by Daviewonder

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Providing you have plenty of fuel, the only reason for it dying on a bend/hill etc is an electrical issue.


It'll be something really simple, but not necessarily easy to find.


It has to be related to ignition, fuelling or management; so I'd check each group one at a time, starting with major earths and the shunt box.


You WILL find it, and it WILL be simple.

Edited by DrSarty

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i was having running problems similar to yours (pops, bangs, splutters, stalling and generally being cack), only constantly rather than on corners/bumps...


i found the earth block behind the rear light cluster (where the fuel pump earths) to be bolted to a pile of rusty dust - sorting a proper earth made the car run reliably for the first time in a few months.


unfortunately i'd already wasted those few months going through all the fuelling and ignition components before finding this...



Edited by eck_johnston

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