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Gunsons Colortune (what Size?)

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Does anyone know what size colortune kit I need for a pug?


I measured my sparkplugs and they seem about 13mm. But the kits only seem available in 10, 12 and 14??? :blush:



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No idea! I bought one a few years ago and to be honest it's vague at best. It has to be very rich before you see the flame change colour, so can't really be used for accurately setting up. It's cool to see the nice blue flame though! :blush:

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No idea! I bought one a few years ago and to be honest it's vague at best. It has to be very rich before you see the flame change colour, so can't really be used for accurately setting up. It's cool to see the nice blue flame though! :blush:


Oh really??


I thought they were quite good? My main mixture is fine. But it would be cool to find out if one cylinder is richer then the other thats all..

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Well it might just be me, but I don't think you'll be able to tell the difference unless they're way out. I tried on mine and quickly realised that I could set it up more accurately by just listening to the engine and smelling the exhaust. :blush:

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I find them very useful for setting the idle mixtures on my twin 45's, you might get the vacumn in each carb to read the same but them check the colortune and your way out on idle mixtures, very handy oldschool tool!

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