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Removing Bolts From The Gearbox - Any Issues ?

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Hi Folks,


Im restoring my CTi from the ground up – Complete respray etc.


The Mi16 lump is currently in the garage and i’m having every visible nut, bolt and bracket anodized. I also plan on painting the block and head.


I would also like to do the gearbox.


Couple of quick questions though. I want to lay the box flat on a table, ie the flywheel side of the box face down. Will this do any damage to the box, being layed face down for a week or so ?


I would also like to get all the exterior bolts on the box anodized. I will replace a few with “spare” bolts to ensure it stays held together. However are there any “no no” bolts that i shouldn’t remove that could cause potential gearbox probs in the future ?



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this may give you an idea


i dont think you'll have a problem laying it flat on the table.. you can take the end cover off without problems..


im not sure it would be a good idea to pull the bell housing bolts out as you may brake the seal, pm miles, on here for details

Edited by mickie

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Cheers for them links.


Thinking the same about the bell housing..


anyone confirm if i can remove the bolts ?



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