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Relocating The Battery!

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Hi, does any one know how much and difficult it is to relocate it? anyone come across difficulties?


Thanks in advance Iain

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Hi, does any one know how much and difficult it is to relocate it? anyone come across difficulties?


Thanks in advance Iain


relocate it in the boot sorry!

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it wont cost much and its not difficult

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Use a big fat power cable (4 gauge?), earth the battery in the boot and earth the engine to the body. Remember to secure the battery down for MOT purposes.


And depending on how good your 205 build quality is, hopefully you do not have any earth related starting problem like my mate ryan. It's a nightmare sometimes.

Think it's had repair work before and the earth continuity through the car isn't fantastic.


Worse comes to worse run a earth cable from battery to engine bay in case of emergencies, ryan and another mate has had to do this :)

Edited by Paul_13

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Sorry where do you run the power cable from? original positive cable or from a totally different place?


Thanks Iain

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Sorry where do you run the power cable from? original positive cable or from a totally different place?


Thanks Iain


Do a search, its been covered a few times before and people uploaded guides and pictures :)



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the little black box in the engine bay, slam panel..


if you want cheap cable, rob it off a bmw at the scrapyard..

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Battery (in boot) >>>> Starter >>>> Alternator




...................................Shunt box


Thats the positive cable routing. Sorry about the dots it doesnt like spaces.


Shunt doesn't have to be off the starter but just keeps a bit neater

Edited by Paul_13

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The best and easiest way is to go to the scrappy and find a BMW. They have there battery in the boot so if you take all the cables and bits, job jobbed.


I did not see that Mickie.

Edited by SurGie

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yeah, as i said!

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Thanks for the answers the scrap yard it is for me then! BMW here i come!

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I might try and do this with an mx5 battery and cable. its also in the boot. I have heard the mx5 battery is gel.

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I found these pics, they are both in 205 gutmann's.

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Interesting, might be worth doing!

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You can by an Odyssey battery for the price of that MX5 one, so personally don't see the point of it as the Odyssey IIRC is smaller and lighter.


My thoughts on the location of the battery - mine is going behind the passenger seat in the footwell. As it's a small battery I have enough space and it'll sit nice and low and in teh middle(ish) of the car.


To my mind putting it up high in the boot, and especially then also at the rear of the boot (past the wheel line) is probably not benificial from a weight distribution/handling perspective.

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