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My New 1.9.. An Its Little Problems!

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I've just picked up a 1900 GTi fom Cardiff last week.. Through Pistonheads. And from what I can see, got a complete bargain!


The bodywork is immaculate, Honestly! Its had a completely new rear beam with new Bilstien shocks, a new clutch kit.. The interior's mint, and its just over 100k on the clock, which I dont think's at all bad for a 1989! And its completely standard.. (Well, minus being slammed on coilies)

5 Months Tax, 12 Months MOT..



Anyway, to the point.. When i start it from cold, it wont idle unless you hold it at 2k rpm for about 30 seconds, then it'l idle lumpy.. Like its got a ridiculously high lift cam, varying between 800 & 1200 rpm.. And when its warm and I boot it, itl sometimes give a couple of small splutters as I go up through the revs past 4000rpm.. =/


I've ordered a service kit in at my brothers garage, so it'l be serviced soon, as i dont know the complete history..


Any ideas? I'm new to the XU engine.. This is my first GTi, and by the looks of things will be my last :) I love it!


Cheers Guys, Steve :(

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Cold start issue like you're experiencing are common and can be caused by numerous things, or usually, a combination of several things - certainly it has been discussed countless times and you'll find pages of information if you do a search.


As for the misfire around 4000rpm, my first suspicion would be the ignition amp - again, a not uncommon issue.

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Yeah, Sorry Ant.. Everytime I search I get an error message! :S Could just be my crock of s**t computer :) Thanks, I'll try me old dear's PC

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Second for the ignition amp - I've got a brand new intermotor one which splutters as soon as you try to go through 4k revs, piece of rubbish. Not had a problem with the bosch ones. Also check all the usual ignition components (leads/dizzy cap/rotor/plugs)

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Nice one! Atleast I'm not the only one, if nothing else fixes the problem I'll go for a Bosch one.. Any ideas where I can find one?

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The Arch Bishop

I picked up a spare at the local scrappy for about 40p. I already had one so gave it to a chap on the forum who was having the same problem as you and it solved it. Try the local scrap yard or put a wanted ad up here and someone will help you out.

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Nice one, Ive got a pug scrap next to me who's good as gold and has a CTi.. So im guessing that'd be a fine replacement?

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