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What Master Cylinder Do I Need?

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Possibly a stupid question - my brake m/c has 'BXF 20' stamped down the side of it.

Does this mean it has the 20.6mm piston?


GSF have told me i need the 19mm as i do not have ABS. ( i hope they are right, as they have these in stock for £37!)


Can somebody confirm which i need?



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give these a try http://www.brakeparts.co.uk/



Possibly a stupid question - my brake m/c has 'BXF 20' stamped down the side of it.

Does this mean it has the 20.6mm piston?


GSF have told me i need the 19mm as i do not have ABS. ( i hope they are right, as they have these in stock for £37!)


Can somebody confirm which i need?



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there's a cheap Herman Munster gag in here somewhere




i thought the 1.9 had a 20.6mm m/c (sorry, it's not clear if that's what yours started out as)

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1.9 is the 20.6mm but DO NOT buy a pattern part from GSF. Get them to order you in a genuine Bendix unit. They aren't much more and the pattern ones are terrible.

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what the dude said!


they'll do a Bendix unit, which the MK2 Golf uses as well, for about £36.

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So the 1.9 is 20.6mm does that mean the 1.6 is 19mm? Or is that down to wether the car has ABS?


GSF cant get the 20.6 mm ones anymore apparently..

Edited by munster

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I would use the 16v Golf/1.9 205 Bendix one, I;d get GSF to check that as it's a common part, Don;t use the pattern ones as they really are *****

I know GSF have changed all there numbers so this could well be why


Don;t worry about it having 4 ports as they all do, But supplied is a blanking plug


ABS ones only have 2 ports

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