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Dave Cartmell

Diesel Starter For Xu Engine?

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Dave Cartmell

i want to try a diesel starter on my 1.9 gti because ive killed 3 with each only lasting about 20 starts.


its a modifyed engine spent about 4k geting it built im not sure what the compression is havent tested it yet pressume its higher than standard tho, it runs fine ive had the ecu set for running the engine in. i thought the 1st 2 were dodgy starters but now the third has gone i checked the wireing which was fine then stripped the starter.


i found they have a centrifugal gearbox were 3 metal gears spin inside an outer plastic gear and the gear from the motor sits in the centre. the problem seams to be the outer plastic gear keeps wearing away.


does any1 knows why this could be happening?


thought about using a diesel starter as diesels have a much higher compression which would suggest the starters must be stronger to cope.


does any1 know is thats true and if so which starter will fit?

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AFAIK, any starter from an XU 1.8/1.9 D/TD should fit and work fine, and they're available by the dozen in scrappies in most medium-large Peugeot and Citroen diesel models throughout the 90's.


Only thing to note is that the connection for the solenoid changed from a spade to a ring terminal in the early 90's, but that's a simple job of just swapping the connector on the end of the wire.


I've got a couple of diesel starters in the garage if you need one - one from a 205 TD and one from a ZX TD - drop me a PM if you're interested ;)

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DW starters will fit too (part numbers cross reference), possibly EW as well, but I haven't checked this, quite likely though.

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Sort of, The EW I think has a smaller hole in the starter so unless you drill it out it won;t fit

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Dave Cartmell

thanks for the advise guys,


ive looked up the specs on both the 1.9i starter and 1.9D starter and ive noticed a couple of things im unsure about..


its says the 1.9i starter has 9 pinion teeth were as the 1.9D has 10,11 or 12..is this the engaging gear and if so if the diesel starter has more will it still engage the flywheel teeth?


also the 1.9i says Pre-Engaged (Direct Drive)=1, and the 1.9D Pre-Engaged (Direct Drive)=0..is this important or relevant?


finaly it says the 1.9i Register Diameter (mm)=66, and the 1.9D Register Diameter (mm)=70..again is this important or relevant?

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