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Something Strange Is Knocking

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hi the car is a 205 mi16 1.9 and the problem is when taking off there is a loud single clunk from the front end and when braking, almost to a stop the same clunk but louder.


things i have checked for,

every thing is tight and nouthing is hitting anything else i.e diff on subframe etc.

radiator and every thing up front is all as it should be perfect order.


the noise started about two weeks ago when it just happened now and again and was fairly quiet but now its louder and more frequent.

i was thinking it may be a spline on one of the driveshafts broke or maby a cv joint. i dont know if that is something that is possible so i am asking if any one has a theory for where this clunking noise is coming from any ideas would be great


cheers craig.

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Had the same problem mate.


Mine was the dirve shaft.


The bearing that goes through the bottom mountain had collapsed.

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Had the same problem mate.


Mine was the dirve shaft.


The bearing that goes through the bottom mountain had collapsed.

thanx craig 007 ill have a look at that next.

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