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Tensioning Cambelt

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just done me cambelt , hmmmmm now i know why they say do the water pump at the same time [didnt though dohhh], anyways after turning the engine over 4 times and then rechecking its right i wondered what this was for ,was this supposed to stretch it a bit and then we re tension it?

well it didnt go any slacker or jump any teeth..... but im wondering if it will need retensioning after a few hundered miles ?


worst part was the fiddling getting the cover bolts in ,tightening the eccentric tensioner, oh and i damaged the crank pulley grooves prising it off..

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you turn it over by hand to make sure its all done correct. as it would reduce chances of damaging the engine if somethings wrong and the pistons and valves touch. and it enables you to check that the timing is bang on by making sure it all lines up after the rotations.


personally ive not heard of rechecking the tension to be the norm after a few hundred miles, though if you dont mind i guess it wont harm just checking its tight(personally i wouldn't advice slackening and retightening though)

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