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Crankshaft Position Sensor

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Just wondering what cps to use in my conversion, I will be using a 1900 be3 gearbox, I have both sensors from both engines.


But the gti6 sensor on the six speed box is at a slightly different position on the be3 5speed transmission.


Will this be senseing tdc at the wrong time, or does it sense 1 full rotaion of the engine.


Thanks in advance people. Answers are much appreicated.



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Sensor's are always in the same position unless someone has changed it but why how know's as all ECU's read the 62 -2 in the same way

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Sensor's are always in the same position unless someone has changed it but why how know's as all ECU's read the 62 -2 in the same way


Thanks but I'm sure the sensor is slighty more towards the diff than the gti6, I thought n e way.


So in otherwords I can just use the gti6 cps on the 1900 gearbox?


Thanks again

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Yep, I've noticed this on all the different gearboxes too, the CPS 'lead angle' position can be different for each gearbox. This is fine if you have an aftermarket ECU as you can change the lead angle, but not so good if you have an OE ECU as you wont be able to change it....


For example, the difference between the MA gearbox on a TU5 and the BE4 gearbox on the same engine is 12 degrees. The BE4 also has a very different angle again to the petrol BE3 gearboxes!

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sounds like your BE3 is not a BE3 if it doesn't have the same hole on the top as the gti6 box.


all XU TDC sensors are in the same place, unlike the TU as mentioned, later XUD use the same sensor.


earlier TD's use a similar arrangement to the Diagnostic sensor on the early XU engines which is mistaken for a TDC sensor, all it reads is the engine speed, this is the one that sits further round towards the diff.

Edited by welshpug

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Right this is helping me now so thanks, what I meant is sorry was different to position to the be1, which I am doing away with, so the be3 box I am going to bring in will have a hole in the same position as the gti6 gearbox? Which is a be????


Is this an engine speed sensor or a tdc sensor? I done all this in college but needs refreshing, my memory is shot I think lol !

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Early BE1 only have the engine speed sensor down the back of the bellhousing, later ones have both, i.e TDC hole at the top exactly the same as the gti6 box.

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Early BE1 only have the engine speed sensor down the back of the bellhousing, later ones have both, i.e TDC hole at the top exactly the same as the gti6 box.


Thanks welsh pug

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