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Uprated Walbro 255 Fuel Pump

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Wanted to know if this is a popular modification for track going cars, or if it's totally unnecessary. Also, is it simple enough that I can install it myself? Or should I leave it to someone with more experience and expertise? What problems am I likely to run into?



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I have one, but thats because I run a Swirl pot (to stop fuel surge on track).

I use the in tank pump to feed the swirl pot then the Walbro to pump from the swirl pot to the engine.


Where were you thinking of puting one?


I don't think there is any need unless you run bigger / extra injectors.

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Where were you thinking of puting one?


Was thinking it would fit in the tank like the original pump. Would like to replace my pump, so thought this might be a good replacement/upgrade. No additional injectors.

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I am not aware of any need to uprate the fuel pump. I would have thought the easiest thing to do would be just get a new standard one if you think it needs changing.

You may have to modify the casing to fit the walbro one?

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Just a quick one,

Where did you get the swirl pot from?


I only ask as previously with a std 1.9 engine i experienced fuel surge from the pump, and as i'm now building a 306 gti-6 engine for it I dont want the same, so a swirl pot and extra pump would be a better option...Obviously goint otry a new pump first.


Cheers for any advice.

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