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Fan Switch For 1.9 Gti 1992

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I'm trying to fix my mums car which has starting problems. The battery seems to drain and it can't start when the battery is 12.3v and below and I am suspecting the fan switch for staying on too long..



My father has changed the fan switch to an aftermarket one (blue) and I have done some testing. These are the symptoms.


  • The fast and slow speed fans both work if I sort circuit directly from the battery.
  • The slow speed fan starts when the temperature gauge is about 3/4 up.
  • Then the red warning light comes on
  • The second speed fan never seems to come on (at least before the warning light comes on)


What is the deal here? I would expect the fast speed to come on before the warning light?



I am also unsure (like like most motor factors) which switch is the correct one. Service box list 6 different types and the haynes manual state something but still I'm not clear which switch to buy.



Does anyone have an idea why the second speed fan never seems to come on and what switch I should buy? (Overpriced OEM or otherwise?)


Cheers Chaps :D

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not sure on the colour coding, Servicebox doesn't show that data :D


it may be a 101 degree or higher high speed fan, which is around what temperature I believe the warning light comes on, there is a fan switch listed without any temperatures so it might be that one you have been supplied, switching temps are usually marked on them though.



1264 17 87/83-92/88 DEG is the right one for a 90 on GTI I believe.


my 205 used to have a 101/96-97/92DEG switch fitted :D

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Tom Fenton

You want the one with the RED ring on it.

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Thanks for the replies...



I bought a intermotor switch with red band on in. (That was the original one that came with the car) Which is the 101 degrees one.


I also changed the thermostat with one from a local factors. The one installed was 89 degrees. The one I could get was 88 degrees.



Car seems a lot better now. At least the fan only stays on for a few mins

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