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Dkz Vs. B6d Head?

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Hi all,

I am trying to rebuild my '93 1.9, and i have found that on the back of the head where the (what looks like) blanking plugs are there is a coolant leak, so it looks like its maybe cracked or pushed 1 of these pugs out.


Its got the DKZ engine right now and rather than messing around getting another dkz head, i have a b6d 1.6 engine which was in perfect running order, so i was wondering what is the difference between the heads? the valves look the same size but not sure how good my measuring is :lol:

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The valves are the same size!

As far as I know,the only difference is a camshaft.

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Thanks for the reply, performance wise which is the better camshaft?

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B6D for normal aspirated DKZ for turbo/forced induction

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Cheers Buddy

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