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Another Head Gasket Q. Xu10jte

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I am in the process of doing the top end on my turbo as I had two problems, something was blowing and the cooling system kept pressurising so i guessed its head problems.


found out the exhaust gasket is toasted which solves one problem.


the other one is the cooling pressurising, the head is currently at an engineering place being pressure tested results on Tuesday now. The head gasket looked fine and there's no oil in water or water in oil. But the holes in the gasket that the coolant flows through look very small and were also quite blocked almost corroded looking and definitely looked like water was trying to force its way through as they were badly bowed. has anyone come across this before and could it cause my problem i guess is from poor flow which leads to water boiling to cause steam and excess pressure. If not does anyone have ideas on what else to check.





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any thoughts on this, or has it been covered lots?





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That is exactly what mine is doing! Did you get it sorted in the end?

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