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ongoing problems with my 1.6 led me to removing the supplementary air device wotsit and testing it off the car.

having read through various threads about testing including the one on the main 205 page, i'm just wondering how hot it needs to get?

I've left it on a heater for about 30 mins until it's almost too hot to hold onto, and while the wee hole has closed up a bit, there's still an obvious gap.

I'm guessing it shouldn't take so long and i should be heading to the wanted/for sale ads...

also, the end that holds the black plug is quite badly corroded - might this be having an effect on the function of the SAD?

any advice?





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It shouldn't need that much time to close imo but it will take longer to close through heat transfer than by voltage. I tried to get it to close by heat on one of mine before & it closed up the same (fully) but I can't remember how long it took.


The heat is hard to say but considering the engine usually sees 80'+ water temps, the block will also be hotter than you could stand to touch for long.


Have you tired connecting it to across a battery to see if it fully closes when powered?


I doubt the corrosion on the body will effect it working properly unless the pins in the plug are corroded due to it.



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thanks for the response..


Yeah, i eventually found my wee leads/clips and hooked it up to a battery.

After about 15 mins or so it had fully closed so I reckon it's in okay order.

Time to look elsewhere for solutions to annoying problems.





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